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The most HARDCORE chili eater

well i'm certainly out of my league here.

I'd need at least a palate of beer to wash down 60 of those buggers in TWO BLOODY MINUTES!!!

But dripping chili juice into my eyes for fun...

I'm not sure which one is more hardcore....
That guy is a douche.
"oh my god... that was the dummest thing i've ever done..." no shit!

The difference between him and the crazy mexican is that the mexican squeezes whole chilies and lets the juice run into his eyes... both at a time, and dosent appear to be affected by it.

The mexican kicks this fool's arse hands down!
Thats right!!!

Its like it dosent affect him or something.

The indian woman is pretty good too tho...

They should have a showdown!!!!!!!

"I'm the best. No one can rival me," he said.

thems sound like fightin words!!
thats insane what the mexican can do.
as for the kid, did he have a rubber dart be shot into his eye or was it just like a water gun squrting into his eye ? if it was a dart with hot sauce on the tip hes even dumber - a dart shot into the eye that close might of did real damage to the eye.
It would be a hell of a showdown - Savinas vs Nagas - I wonder if they would cope as well with each others super-hots or if there's a difference?
My friend would give him competition. This weekend he proved he cant take the heat from Nagas by smoking a bunch of dried Naga!!!:onfire::P Yes, this is true.
fisting_mayfield said:
I cant *begin* to think of the potential lung damage...

haha, I honestly wonder if it could have some healing and positive benefits, because after he took in the huge hit and coughed his lungs out he said he could breath so much better and it cleaned him out!! Wouldn't it be awesome if Naga smoking helped cure ailments? It couldn't be any worse then cigarettes or pot could it? Bwhahhahahaha I hope he don't turn into a naga smoking addict now as he wants to do it again!
Hell, we would pay good money in Fort Worth to see the kid do that again...that could be the opening act for the mexican vs the indian chili eating contest....and our band could play ring of fire...roflmao
that is pretty crazy that the guy can squirt habanero juice in his eye without visibly displaying any signs of pain or discomfort...BUT if that lady can eat 60 bhut jolokias in two minutes, she is a force to be reckoned with.
fisting_mayfield said:
That guy is a douche.
"oh my god... that was the dummest thing i've ever done..." no shit!

The frightening thing about that guy is that it took actually following through with the plan before he realized how dumb it was.
Fortunately, he will lose his testicles in some equally dumb act and eliminate his chromosomes from the gene pool :)
I like when he says "Its not like it will cause any serious damage" and the other guy tells him that he could go blind...

He pauses and looks at him like "You're serious?" then he runs back to the bath to wash his eye out even more.

you're right tho... Darwin's Natural Selection is a wonderful thing!
This ugly guy likes chili, too... :lol:

51 chilis in one minute, 500 chilis in 4 hours, they look like Habaneros... he also rubs it in his eyes...

Maybe he could challenge the Mexican, as he seems to lack capsaicin receptors, too...

http://www1.nu.tv/video/show/7820 (from the Netherlands)