The next time you think you need Cal/Mag...

queequeg152 said:
lul keep in mind... the entire ocean is hopelessly "contaminated" with uranium.
you know there is like... billions of lbs of uranium dioxide in solution in the worlds sea water?(oh noes and it has a half life of billions of years too!) radium too... cobalt  etc. lots of radioactivity in the ocean. you will not find a single gram of sea water that is without some form of radioactive "contamination".
air too.... you know how much radioactive oxygen is in the atmosphere? billions and billions and billions of lbs.
your granite counter top is likely substantially radioactive too, measurably so too. 
Might explain why so many people have cancer and other things. It should be noted though that some things have much higher concentrations than others, and so it just makes sense to be careful of those. You cannot escape it entirely, but you can certainly reduce your exposure to a lot of it.
Those plants look spiffy fil, but I really replied to give you a thumbs up on that picture you drew for your avvy :P

Awwww thanks Mikey, genius right? ;-)
AaronTT said:
Might explain why so many people have cancer and other things. It should be noted though that some things have much higher concentrations than others, and so it just makes sense to be careful of those. You cannot escape it entirely, but you can certainly reduce your exposure to a lot of it.
Makes me wonder if the GMO crap Monsanto is feeding everyone now is any better?
filmost said:
Also bananas, don't forget bananas.

I jest, sorry I couldn't resist (seriously though, bananas).

You know here in Japan (I'm American by the way) sea weed and fish are daily staples, yet they also live very long healthy lives.

Take it for what it's worth, but the are so many things worse for you to kill your self with (like beer and tobacco). And on purpose too! Kelp and seaweed are at least beneficial despite the potential (like pretty much all things) negatives.
Beer is beneficial as well just not in excess as so many do. I prefer quality to quantity. ;)
i knew the czechs loved their beer... i think they still serve  lunch break beers to workers in some industries, but folks drink alot in asia? did not know this. 
i guess developing countries in general drink lots.
queequeg152 said:
i knew the czechs loved their beer... i think they still serve  lunch break beers to workers in some industries, but folks drink alot in asia? did not know this. 
i guess developing countries in general drink lots.
In general a night out in Japan consists of all-you-can-drink plans at a local watering hole. And regardless of whether you drink or not, if your boss says let's go drinking then custom dictates you go and drink. This could happen any time of the week, and it could happen every day even. Luckily for me, my company is not Japanese and I don't have to deal with that. ;-D
Proud Marine Dad said:
Makes me wonder if the GMO crap Monsanto is feeding everyone now is any better?

I don't believe its much different, especially since some of them allow for a higher concentration of roundup to be sprayed, which has its own toxic metals and chemicals in it. I treat that stuff like its poison, which it is. Some of the studies done which have been sort of hidden from the public have shown damage to organs such as the liver from consuming these so called foods. Now think about it, combine a food that prevents the liver from working properly, and combine heavy metals and chemicals with it; what is going to happen? Considering that the liver is the main organ responsible for eliminating toxins, its going to cause your body to store whatever toxins are present during consumption. Increase the burden of toxins on the body, and you increase your chances for diseases and symptoms plain and simple.
AaronTT said:
I don't believe its much different, especially since some of them allow for a higher concentration of roundup to be sprayed, which has its own toxic metals and chemicals in it. I treat that stuff like its poison, which it is. Some of the studies done which have been sort of hidden from the public have shown damage to organs such as the liver from consuming these so called foods. Now think about it, combine a food that prevents the liver from working properly, and combine heavy metals and chemicals with it; what is going to happen? Considering that the liver is the main organ responsible for eliminating toxins, its going to cause your body to store whatever toxins are present during consumption. Increase the burden of toxins on the body, and you increase your chances for diseases and symptoms plain and simple.
I would recommend people watch Food Inc. to get an Idea of how bad the US food industry is. It's not just a bunch of crazy people with tin foil hats crying conspiracy either.
Ask any farmer with half a brain and isn't in contract with Round-Up, and you will find out what DNA patenting means  :mad:
Proud Marine Dad said:
And yet people are living longer. Fascinating isn't it?
Yet Cancer and Autism are skyrocketing! its not like anyone would bank of that though... except big pharma *puts on tin foil hat*
Cayennemist said:
I would recommend people watch Food Inc. to get an Idea of how bad the US food industry is. It's not just a bunch of crazy people with tin foil hats crying conspiracy either.
Ask any farmer with half a brain and isn't in contract with Round-Up, and you will find out what DNA patenting means  :mad:
awwww i just got done making my tin foil hat to,now your telling me i dont need it geesh. :mope:
lol but i do agree with you, not everything about these chemicals and stuff they say is true, some of it is very hazardous to our health and half of us dont even know it.  
magicpepper said:
awwww i just got done making my tin foil hat to,now your telling me i dont need it geesh. :mope:
lol but i do agree with you, not everything about these chemicals and stuff they say is true, some of it is very hazardous to our health and half of us dont even know it.  
Whoa whoa whoa, hold the phone. You sound like your disagreeing with leaving the onus on the company to prove their product is safe, saving regulatory bodies like Health Canada and the FDA from getting complicated up with nonsense like public safety. Dangerous thinking ;)
shit sorry i dropped the phone instead of holding it, ill pick it back up lol
they think about public safety? i always thought who ever had enough coin got what they wanted? 
besides, they omit quite a bit of information that should not be left out, but the info is also in public records. though most people dont know that.
and dangerous is my middle name  ;)
Proud Marine Dad said:
And yet people are living longer. Fascinating isn't it?
Not really. The myth that people are living longer only applies if you take the whole of the population and compare it to the dark ages or other times when life expectancy was lower. However, if you examine the differences between generations a different picture emerges. People will look at how long the generation before the baby boomers lived and say see, we are living much longer. That generation had little to no chemicals in their foods and in fact grew a lot of it themselves and understood how to eat by combining different foods; had proper sanitation and actually exercised. They did not fight for the closest parking space to the mall, or drive their car to the mailbox, and in fact they were quite active. However as you come to the baby boomers, and the generations after them you will see a drop in life expectancy. They did not learn from their parents, and instead became overweight and stopped exercising, and  consumed whatever was put in front of them, regardless if had any value. Chemicals and other practices became common in their foods, and no one thought twice about it, except for the rare few that could actually think for themselves. They did not question anything, and thus suffered and are suffering for their ignorance. Now I know that might sound harsh, and of course I realize that not all of them are this way, however the vast majority are. I will wager that their generation will not live nearly as long as their parents, and the generations after them will see a substantial drop due to diseases such as cancer, diabetes and heart disease. Most of this is due to their horrible dietary habits, lack of exercise and the pollution of the food supply, and more importantly, ignorance. As well, parents can only pass on nutrients that they themselves have. The lack of some vitamins and minerals alter genetics, which in turn leaves their children more prone to diseases as their nutritional base is much lower than their grandparents. I have seen many people who will not touch a vegetable, eat basically the same junk day after day, then wonder why they have cancer and other problems that their parents and grand parents avoided :rolleyes: . I am not saying that their grandparents had absolutely none of these problems, but it was on a much smaller scale. Anyone remember when people used to die in their sleep simply from old age, and not some disease? Its becoming less and less common.
No one thinks anymore, instead others do the thinking for them. Then when someone like me points out in a respectful way what should be obvious, they get mad. Now a days people care more about being right, then knowing the truth. Well there is a price to pay for putting your head in the sand. Its like our country which is on the verge of an economic collapse, and people actually believe the economy is getting better. Why? Because someone on television said so? People will ignore the hardcore facts, and instead believe the hype that is pushed by likeable and believable people. Again not many people think for themselves and take the time and effort to check the facts. I think we are in the age of lower intelligence.
For the record I am not implying that your this way. I am just saying that the common blanket statement about people living longer is not really true if its critically examined in its entirety, and here are some of the reasons why I believe that.
Cayennemist said:
I would recommend people watch Food Inc. to get an Idea of how bad the US food industry is. It's not just a bunch of crazy people with tin foil hats crying conspiracy either.
Ask any farmer with half a brain and isn't in contract with Round-Up, and you will find out what DNA patenting means  :mad:
I agree that is a good one to watch. Definitely an eye opener if your eyes are willing to be opened ;)
magicpepper said:
AaronTT i couldnt agree with that statement any more.  very well said!!
Thank you for your kind words.
AaronTT said:
Not really. The myth that people are living longer only applies if you take the whole of the population and compare it to the dark ages or other times when life expectancy was lower. However, if you examine the differences between generations a different picture emerges. People will look at how long the generation before the baby boomers lived and say see, we are living much longer. That generation had little to no chemicals in their foods and in fact grew a lot of it themselves and understood how to eat by combining different foods; had proper sanitation and actually exercised. They did not fight for the closest parking space to the mall, or drive their car to the mailbox, and in fact they were quite active. However as you come to the baby boomers, and the generations after them you will see a drop in life expectancy. They did not learn from their parents, and instead became overweight and stopped exercising, and  consumed whatever was put in front of them, regardless if had any value. Chemicals and other practices became common in their foods, and no one thought twice about it, except for the rare few that could actually think for themselves. They did not question anything, and thus suffered and are suffering for their ignorance. Now I know that might sound harsh, and of course I realize that not all of them are this way, however the vast majority are. I will wager that their generation will not live nearly as long as their parents, and the generations after them will see a substantial drop due to diseases such as cancer, diabetes and heart disease. Most of this is due to their horrible dietary habits, lack of exercise and the pollution of the food supply, and more importantly, ignorance. As well, parents can only pass on nutrients that they themselves have. The lack of some vitamins and minerals alter genetics, which in turn leaves their children more prone to diseases as their nutritional base is much lower than their grandparents. I have seen many people who will not touch a vegetable, eat basically the same junk day after day, then wonder why they have cancer and other problems that their parents and grand parents avoided :rolleyes: . I am not saying that their grandparents had absolutely none of these problems, but it was on a much smaller scale. Anyone remember when people used to die in their sleep simply from old age, and not some disease? Its becoming less and less common.
No one thinks anymore, instead others do the thinking for them. Then when someone like me points out in a respectful way what should be obvious, they get mad. Now a days people care more about being right, then knowing the truth. Well there is a price to pay for putting your head in the sand. Its like our country which is on the verge of an economic collapse, and people actually believe the economy is getting better. Why? Because someone on television said so? People will ignore the hardcore facts, and instead believe the hype that is pushed by likeable and believable people. Again not many people think for themselves and take the time and effort to check the facts. I think we are in the age of lower intelligence.
For the record I am not implying that your this way. I am just saying that the common blanket statement about people living longer is not really true if its critically examined in its entirety, and here are some of the reasons why I believe that.
You may speak for Americans, but much of this does not apply to the rest of the world.
filmost said:
You may speak for Americans, but much of this does not apply to the rest of the world.
That is true for the most part, but i believe it is changing. Heavy metal and chemical contamination is not restricted only to the U.S. Your in Japan, and I bet that what happened in Fukoshima will lower the longevity of the Japanese, especially since many are large consumers of seafood. The Japanese gov. has not told the whole truth about how bad it really is over there. I hope to be wrong though as I don't wish bad health on anyone.