Amazing results everyone! Can't wait to harvest some tomatoes this year :-)
Quick questions while I am here. The leaves of one of my tomato plants has something going on, any ideas (pic 1)? Also the growing tip of my plants end with a thing of flower buds (pic 2), is that supposed to happen? I have only been pruning leaves and suckers from the bottom. Not sure if this is normal?
Doesn't look normal. When I get a leaf that starts to go south, typically the bottoms one, I clip it off and throw it out of the garden. Probably should sterilizes clips before clipping on another plant too.
Nice indigo rose Denniz. I planted one last year but it didn't work out. This year I'm giving one called blueberries
a try. I'll post pics if it all goes well.
Roma VF
Cherokee Purple
Aunt Ruby's German Green
Crimson Cushion Beefsteak
Calf's Heart
Big Rainbow
I only grow for myself and family, 7 plants is more than enough for my needs. My growlisyt for Toms changes from year to year, who knows what I'll grow next year.
Cypress, that a vast collection of tomatoes you have going.
I put down straw for my row of tomatoes.
It has been very warm and on the dry side, but the tomatoes seem to be growing fine. A few are setting fruit. Some haven't bloomed yet.
I've been pulling suckers like crazy. Seems like they appear over night and grow 3"
I've scattered several here and there in the corners of my raised beds like this Black from Tula
The ones that are really going to town are the SIP buckets I transplanted to in mid-April
The Black Vernisage first cluster.
They only get a few hours of direct sun each day.
I may pull and root a sucker then put it in a SIP with a sunny location to compare.
Unfortunately, the Department of Homeland Security intercepted the seeds.
I'm getting ready to undertake a major seed re-organization. I'll get you some Black V. when I am able.