• Everything other than hot peppers. Questions, discussion, and grow logs. Cannabis grow pics are only allowed when posted from a legal juridstiction.

The official TOMATO thread


Picture is kind of small, but oh well! This is my first year growing absolutely ANYTHING, so I got a little bit of everything to see what I liked the most...Right now it's peppers and tomatoes, haha. Buttttt yeah! The top picture, I have no idea what kind of tomatoes those are...my wife bought them from the farmer's market and they didn't have a tag..Way to go! 
Middle left = San Marzano
Bottom left = Black Krim
Middle middle(?haha)= Husky Cherry Reds
Middle bottom = Sun Sugar (already got a couple of these off the vine, they're absolutely AMAZING! Highly recommended.)
Middle right = Mortgage Lifter Heirlooms
Middle bottom = Oregon Spring
I'll probably end up saving a bunch of seeds from these to plant next year, depending on the taste. I've heard Black Krims are good though! Not sure about the others.
Since I am extremely new at this, if you guys notice anything that I'm doing wrong or anything, don't hesitate to tell me! Lol I accept constructive criticism exceptionally well...I guess the military does that to you :P
My 2014 tomatoes:
unknown, red, big kind
oxheart aka Ochsenherztomate
unknown, pink
Paul Robeson
unknown, yellow
unknown, orange
Chinese cherry (KeFeng on the pack)
Chinese cherry (XingYunPai on the pack)
another 3 kind of unknown cherry (red)
cherry pink
some bigger cherry green, bought as tomato here in a supermarket, used the seeds of it
I have one question: to prune or not to prune?
I will try this year to prune some and to not prune others, and see what's the difference.
Hey all, quick question. Would covering tomatoes while they are still on the vine help with ripening? Feels like I have been waiting FOREVER.
rghm1u20 said:
I have one question: to prune or not to prune?
I will try this year to prune some and to not prune others, and see what's the difference.
If my thinking is correct...if you DON'T prune, you will get more growth, which means more tomatoes of course, but the size of them will go down some. If you DO prune them, you'll get generally larger fruits that are properly ventilated while on the vine. I prune mine because I don't feel like dealing with a tomato plant that's gone out of control :)
filmost said:
Hey all, quick question. Would covering tomatoes while they are still on the vine help with ripening? Feels like I have been waiting FOREVER.
I've been told to leave some foliage above the fruit helps prevent sun-scald if your environment is at risk for that.
As far as promoting ripening, from my experience, I'm pretty sure that checking for ripeness frequently slows them down. ;)
Just starting to trickle in. 
Doesn't get much sun and was worked over by a storm a few weeks ago.

This is the first truss

Seeded mid-March, put in SIP-bucket mid-April.
The storm fatally wounded the Black Vernisage also in a SIP bucket next to it.
These are about all that got ripe.

The ones in the row garden are doing fine, but were set out 2-3 weeks later

This plant came up unbidden in the January pepper sow.

I've finally decided it's a Bonny Best by comparing its leaf texture to another Bonny Best I'm growing again this year.  
This has been a tough little tomato to do anything with

It's a hanging/storage tomato whose seeds were brought to the U.S. a couple of years ago from the Vesuvius area.
I found a volunteer that came up from last years efforts. Maybe a seed save from it will be more acclimated.
These sauce tomatoes could give my main crop of Jersey Devils a run for their money if the Devils don't get their act in gear.


The Costoluto Genevesse reminds me of the Michelin Man commercial :D

This is a fairly new OP from Wild Boar Farms

I hope it taste good.
Hey all, I have noticed little pin pricks on some new fruit. Any ideas what it could be? The other day I saw a tiny worm one trying to eat it's way in, fucker was TINY like only a few millimeters.
What do you do to protect against the impending invasion of moth larva?
Phytophthora infestans hit my tomatoes.... No wonder, after so many days with rain, day by day.... Sometime fog in the morning....
The largest plant this year in my garden is this yellow pear heirloom tomato. She stands 5 feet and is still growing with to many flowers and tomatoes to count.


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Anybody growing in Florida? They say that tomatoes don't do well here this time of year, but I wonder if "they" just haven't found the right varieties...
filmost said:
Hey all, quick question. Would covering tomatoes while they are still on the vine help with ripening? Feels like I have been waiting FOREVER.
I have been waiting too!!  I just pulled a few to ripen in a window, like my grandma used to do.
Damn nice flushes everyone.....us Michiganders are drooling while we look at our green tomatoes on the vine that are getting real close... wish we had a longer season...