• Blog your pepper progress. The first image in your first post will be used to represent your Glog.

The Pacific Northwest GLOG 2014...CLOSED FOR THE 2014 SEASON

Today launches The Pacific Northwest GLOG, geared towards growers from this region.  Since there appears to be disagreement on what states, and areas, actually comprise the Pacific Northwest, I will use a broad definition, in order to include more growers.  If anyone thinks the definition could be even more broad, it can always be changed.  Come one, come all.
Northern California
British Columbia
I am from the Rogue Valley, in southern Oregon, so, I will begin with a couple of shots from my yard, which over looks the Rogue River.


Me, and my Cacho de Cabra, which stands at 4' tall.

Some non-chinenses.


GRIF 9265.

I'm using the square foot gardening method.  Plants are getting close.  I like the appearance.

A weird cross.

MoA, Scotch Bonnet.  Can't wait for these.  I have 4 plants.

Weather is into the 90s today, and will hit 101F tomorrow.  It's funny the misconceptions people have about Oregon weather, in particular, southern Oregon.  Good luck to all.  I hope this Pacific Northwest GLOG will be a success!
"I just realized I am In blorvaks GLOG.  If this is considered bad form let me 
know and I will move this post.  I was thinking I was in the PNW thread."       :high:        :rofl: 
Too funny, LD - we've all been there!
Your pods look great - you have some green fingers, for sure!
 I posting in my grow log today, but here are a couple of pod pics.
We are still early in the ripening stages, too.  Just have to be patient.
 The last two seasons, pods were still ripening up in October.  About
six weeks before the first frost, I trim all the growing tips of the branches
and most of the new flowers and tiny pods so the plant will ripen up the
'real' pods.
Giant White Habanero:

Trinidad Scorpion - USHotStuff:

PI441598 cross, peach - GaGrowhead:

Great thread going, Jim.  Thanks for starting it!
PaulG said:
"I just realized I am In blorvaks GLOG.  If this is considered bad form let me 
know and I will move this post.  I was thinking I was in the PNW thread."       :high:        :rofl: 
Too funny, LD - we've all been there!
Your pods look great - you have some green fingers, for sure!
 I posting in my grow log today, but here are a couple of pod pics.
We are still early in the ripening stages, too.  Just have to be patient.
 The last two seasons, pods were still ripening up in October.  About
six weeks before the first frost, I trim all the growing tips of the branches
and most of the new flowers and tiny pods so the plant will ripen up the
'real' pods.
Giant White Habanero:

Trinidad Scorpion - USHotStuff:

PI441598 cross, peach - GaGrowhead:

Great thread going, Jim.  Thanks for starting it!
That White Hab has my attention.  How is the flavor compared to an Orange Hab?
Roguejim said:
That White Hab has my attention.  How is the flavor compared to an Orange Hab?
I haven't had any ripe ones, yet, this is my first year of growing it out.  The seeds came from
Sawyer, and look like they will be a true white.  I should have some OP seeds this Fall, if you
are interested.  I don't know if John isolates, but I haven't tried that yet, myself.  I did get some
Tulle cloth, though   :rofl:
They aren't peppers, but they are plentiful here in the PNW, particularly in the Willamette Valley...........HOPS!  These were home grown for me by a friend.

Here's a link I suggest you save until you get some pepper powder.  I used Yellow Fatalii powder that I bought from Coheed.  Here's the results:

Video posted courtesy of Physics202.
blorvak said:
Hops? That's mighty early for Hops. At least for around PDX. What are ya going to brew?
Well, that's kind of an open ended question. With these home grown hops (Cascade, Chinook, Willamette), I'll stick with pale ales/IPAs. Not knowing the AAUs for home grown hops makes it a crap shoot as to how much to use, so, I tend to go for larger, late hop additions. Normally, I still like the APAS/AIPAS, and the Summer German Pilseners...an occasional German Hefe, too. Do you home brew? If I lived in your area, I might not bother with it. Does it strike you as odd the price increase for retail ales? My cost for bulk supplies has not really increased much. Someone's getting hosed, I think (the customer).
Roguejim said:
Well, that's kind of an open ended question. With these home grown hops (Cascade, Chinook, Willamette), I'll stick with pale ales/IPAs. Not knowing the AAUs for home grown hops makes it a crap shoot as to how much to use, so, I tend to go for larger, late hop additions. Normally, I still like the APAS/AIPAS, and the Summer German Pilseners...an occasional German Hefe, too. Do you home brew? If I lived in your area, I might not bother with it. Does it strike you as odd the price increase for retail ales? My cost for bulk supplies has not really increased much. Someone's getting hosed, I think (the customer).
Yep, I've been known to brew here and there. I usually make a big Fresh Hop Ale with the homegrown stuff. Backload them all. Makes for a tasty brew!
There has undoubtedly been price creep. But I have heard that supply lines are tighter, especially with this year's poor barley harvest. In any case, it makes homebrewing that much more economical!
I have hops growing as well. Going to make a fresh hop IPA. I prefer to us my homegrowns in late addition and to dry hop with for the reason Jim said. 
ColdSmoke said:
Are you freezing them whole? They will be mushy when you thaw them.
Is there a better way to freeze them? They will go into sauces anyway, so, "mushy" won't matter. I'm still using a few ripe off the plants, but most are for sauces.
Looks good guys. I will be sure and start my seeds in Feb. I have learned a lot in the past few months.

Going through my seeds this weekend and getting ready for my 2015 season.
I know it's premature to mention this, but around the last week of December, I'll launch the PNW GLOG 2015, and we can resume there. I'll probably just copy/paste the basic intro from the opening post for new members.
Welcome to the NW Glog and a wonderful indoor grow.
FGpepperguy said:
I started to build an indoor grow area in my crawl space . 6 feet tall, 7 feet wide and 27 inches deep. Just got the materials today and started the electrical today. Will post pics soon. Framing and insulation starts tomorrow.
FINALLY!!!  I got two Ghost Pepper pods and one Trinidad Butch T Scorpion pod with some very small ones coming in right behind it.
Trinidad Butch T Scorpion.

and my Ghost Peppers.  Two pods so far. 

 Neither of the peppers will probably get very warm will they?  I heard that there has to be a lot of hot weather for a pepper to get its full heat.  Is that true?
KevinH said:
Welcome to the NW Glog and a wonderful indoor grow.
I've been a regular poster on THB and on this thread, but thank you for the welcome Kevin  :P
LowDrag said:
FINALLY!!!  I got two Ghost Pepper pods and one Trinidad Butch T Scorpion pod with some very small ones coming in right behind it.
Trinidad Butch T Scorpion.

and my Ghost Peppers.  Two pods so far. 

 Neither of the peppers will probably get very warm will they?  I heard that there has to be a lot of hot weather for a pepper to get its full heat.  Is that true?
LowDrag - Not sure if a pepper needs lot of hot weather to get full heat.  I've burned my face off on a few peppers just snacking around the garden in the evening.  They are in 50% shade.and I'm in Oregon also.  I picked a few peppers this afternoon and one of them is a while jolokia.  I'll let you know how it goes!!!
LowDrag said:
FINALLY!!!  I got two Ghost Pepper pods and one Trinidad Butch T Scorpion pod with some very small ones coming in right behind it.
Trinidad Butch T Scorpion.

and my Ghost Peppers.  Two pods so far. 

 Neither of the peppers will probably get very warm will they?  I heard that there has to be a lot of hot weather for a pepper to get its full heat.  Is that true?
When they ripen, eat one, and let us know...hee...hee...