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The "Pasty" Gusher Challenge

Great effort caveman! If I had a week off I could use I'd try it (and fail miserably!), but with only 2 days off no chance. Huge respect for even attempting something that nuts!
Going to order the Pure Evil probably some time tomorrow.
I already warned the guys at work I was baking some chocolate chip cookies with it :rofl:
EDIT: maybe not this week, it's bill week...probably better if I wait :D
Havent been around public forums much have you ?
Threads that are not locked are open to posting.check your self
AaronRiot said:
You could say the same about yourself for dragging up an old thread just to troll........... way to go.
Havent been around public forums much have you ?
Threads that are not locked are open to posting.check your self

I believe I ended my sentence with "just to troll."

No need for me to say more.
Ya ya... You've been saying that since June!  :)
(I know you ain't scared... that 9.6 is a hit in the wallet, but it will last you most of a lifetime.  I would share if I could figure a good way to send you some)