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hot-sauce The Perfect Hot Sauce?

Ok I'm looking for a hot sauce that's sweet to taste but yet at the same time no heat until maybe after about 5-8 bites then the heat catches up to you.

So is there any hot sauces around like that?
PhatManDerek said:
but I want to the heat but a delayed reaction though!
Ya well, we can't have our cake and eat it too, we can only smear it all over our bodies and play "Disco Duck" constantly to keep the aliens at bay.
PhatManDerek said:
but I want to the heat but a delayed reaction though!

Sounds like you're looking for a habanero sauce. When I make a hab sauce I tend to make it sweet, since I think it really complements the fruity/chinense flavor. And habs definitely have a creeping heat.

Different peppers have different burns, some, like pequins, hit instantaneously and fade fast. Others, like habs have a slow build to an all out burn.

They also affect different parts of the mouth/throat. AJ started a thread awhile back about him trying to create a chili with an overall burn using different peppers. Pretty interesting stuff.
Txclosetgrower said:
Sounds like you're looking for a habanero sauce. When I make a hab sauce I tend to make it sweet, since I think it really complements the fruity/chinense flavor. And habs definitely have a creeping heat.

Different peppers have different burns, some, like pequins, hit instantaneously and fade fast. Others, like habs have a slow build to an all out burn.

They also affect different parts of the mouth/throat. AJ started a thread awhile back about him trying to create a chili with an overall burn using different peppers. Pretty interesting stuff.
Thanks TX, How easy would it be for a newb to make a hab hot sauce?
PhatManDerek said:
Thanks TX, How easy would it be for a newb to make a hab hot sauce?

Easy. Sauces are easy to make, hard to master. It's fun though, i started making my own fairly recently.

I actually made a habanero sauce just the other day, check this out: Gojii & Ginger Habanero sauce

Best thing I can tell you, is buy lots of ingredients and start experimenting. Write stuff down so once you do come up with a sauce you like, you can re-create it.

Make sure to use enough vinegar or lime juice to keep the pH down. This is more important if you plan on keeping the sauce for awhile.

Oh, and carrots kick ass in habanero sauces. Helps bring out the sweetness/flavor IMO.

My first sauce was a Fatalii sauce. I kept it pretty simple, just de-seeded the peppers, blended them with enough vinegar to make a fairly thin sauce, added some sugar and a pinch of safron and some tumeric for a better yellow color. Pinch of salt and simmered for probably 5-10 min. Turned out great.

Hell, sauces like tabasco are just peppers, vinegar & salt.
Check out my Bhut/Fatalii sauce for some instructions on making a very simple sauce. The thread is just a few below this one in the list

For a slow setting heat i would use Bhut jalokias. Bents Pain 2 has them in there and it starts to really burn when you finnish your meal.

I get a much faster setting in burn that dies off faster with habs and fatallis.

The bhuts (or any of the nagas) are tasty too.

Sounds like you want my 1-2 Punch! The sweet hits you first, the comes the heat. If I tell you the recipe, I have to kill you.
thehotpepper.com said:
Sounds like you want my 1-2 Punch! The sweet hits you first, the comes the heat. If I tell you the recipe, I have to kill you.
like I haven't heard that line before LOL.

Yeah that's what I'm after, It goes in nice sweet & smooth then once it's in your mouth then it hits you like a ton of bricks.
thehotpepper.com said:
Sounds like you want my 1-2 Punch! The sweet hits you first, the comes the heat. If I tell you the recipe, I have to kill you.

So when can we expect this to become available on the market?
Hot Canuck said:
Try Blairs Jalepeno Hot Sauce. Sweet and tasty with a mid level heat that kicks in after a few bites. I am blazing thru the two bottles I recently bought. Great on Nachos with your regular salsa ( mine is Pace's hot ), and easy to ramp up heatwise with Cajohn's Talon or Z Nothing Beyond. The links below give you a half decent description.


Thank you Hot Canuck, I'm also in favor of the Paces Hot sauce.
PhatManDerek said:
Thank you Hot Canuck, I'm also in favor of the Paces Hot sauce.

No trouble. The Blairs Jalepeno combined with Z Nothing Beyond is a great combo if you want taste and pain. If you want a red sauce, try Cajohns 10. It is my favourite sauce period.
We purposely put a delay on the heat of the Defense Condition #1. It's fun to watch tasters tell me it's not hot, and then they walk 15-20 feet and get the hiccups.
DEFCON Creator said:
We purposely put a delay on the heat of the Defense Condition #1. It's fun to watch tasters tell me it's not hot, and then they walk 15-20 feet and get the hiccups.

lol - that was what I saw at Sunday's Superbowl party. The three new guys were tough for the first few seconds, and then two of them ventured into the Defcon 1 MKII mix :mouthonfire:, which knocked them on their a*s.

Great - now I'm f***ing hungry. Two pounds of suicide wings garcon!!!
DEFCON Creator said:
We purposely put a delay on the heat of the Defense Condition #1. It's fun to watch tasters tell me it's not hot, and then they walk 15-20 feet and get the hiccups.
Oh now I wouldn't mind trying that!

I had one hot sauce that was like that and I can tell you it was very very HOT, You taste it and tell the guy Your hot sauce is not hot how you say say, then the guy cracks a big ass grin and you tell him thanks. Then you walk away and about a minute later your head is sweating & your mouth is on fire, and you start spiting on the ground to get rid of the pain, Anyways about 10 minutes later once the heat dies you find your way back at his stand for an apology for what you said and buy 4 jars of the stuff for your family who loves hot sauce such as your self.

"True Story"