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soil "The Perfect Soil"



Can imagine Mama Mags face rite now.

What's that in the back of the truck.

Oh hunny, I was driving around around Twin Buttes picking up Cow Shit :fireball:
my uncles mother in law amends her 2-3 acre "garden" in Idaho every year with cow shit.  Nothing else.  I have seen pictures of her garden and its impressive.  She says she uses A LOT of it and the farmers around her will deliver for free.
Good videos. If you have pasture cows, I think it would be great. If in a confined area, not so much. To much ammonia from what I just found out. I bought some composted manure in a bag once. Plants didn't like it at all. Someone mentioned to me that feedlot animals consume lots of salt. So there is lots of salt in there waste. This year in the Fall, I'm going to pile up my garden with lots of leaves and let it compost right on site. I might try and compost some manure this Summer. Depending on the source.

Thanks again for the info.
I added a cubic yard of dairy cow shit compost to my 2 8x4 raised beds this year and the plants are already bigger at this point than they typically get by August. Also added 42 gal of composted turkey manure split between the two beds too. 
Never had much luck growing peppers in this bed, always stayed pretty small the whole year but so far they seem to be loving it after adding all that manure. 
home depot has cow manure mixed with compost for $1.45 a bag. How do you think that will work ? 
I had a bag so I'm experimenting with a few pepper plants in that mix to see how well they do.
I also have been starting to but mycelium into the soil, it consumes toxins and metabolises the soil for good plant assimilation. 
I keep a couple of rabbits.  I'm all planted out, but the itch isn't scratched, so I started an experiment this weekend transplanting into pure rabbit poo, and also, planting seeds directly into rabbit poo.  Can't wait to see what happens.
D3monic said:
I thought cow manure was too hot to use right away?
Well, one thing is for certain... In those videos, his containers are pretty small.  Not sure he'd get away with growing in a 10 gallon nursery pot.

It takes about a cubic yard to really get a proper compost pile going.  But it gets plenty warm in quantities smaller than that, so I'd have to agree with your sentiment, here...
ReaperTheRed said:
I have been buying fox farm ocean forest, but do yall think placing some compost with it will be beneficial?
Top dress it.  Just a 1/2" or so.  That is a pretty well built mix, so don't alter its properties by mixing compost in...