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the person below me

Newborns, as in 3 months or less? Not really. It's after that when you'd better get your game on!
(Babies initially have no concept of cause and effect - once they figure that out, it's time.)

TPBM has an itch behind their ear.
No. I have a number of places I would love to travel to, but also a number that don't interest me as places to visit. Like the Atacama desert in South America, the driest place on the plant, which gets less than half an inch of rain a year, on average. I prefer greenery.

TPBM would love to visit the Atacama desert...
No - but it sounds interesting (I've read about Darwin's travels there and the AD's role in the history of fertilizer)...Albuquerque was too non-green for me...

TPBM likes hiking/backpacking.
Yes, though I don't get much opportunity to do so.

TPBM is afraid mountain lions would get him or her if they went hiking in the mountains.
If time wasn't a factor (ie - didn't have a deadline to deal with), absolutely! Good memories there!

TPBM counts their fingers and toes every time they wake up.
Brrrr! No! It's only 59F here right now.

TPBM thinks their keys are in a different place than where they really are.
Well, errrr, yes and no...I prefer Big Wheels...

TPBM thinks it's okay to drink a glass of wine in the morning to balance out the coffee?