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the person below me

AlabamaJack said:
True...in a good hot DefCon Bloody Mary

TPBM is tired of hearing AJ talk about Bloody Marys

Yeah! Get creative with the Creator's sauce, why doncha!

The person below is so glad it's Friday, even if it's going to be a cold weekend.
very true...although I have to go to the dentist this morning..

TPBM will take my spot in the dentist chair
HELL NO! Unless a boatload of Bombay Sapphire is offered and then consumed first....

TPBM is now thinking about gin this early in the morning
Sickmont said:
HELL NO! Unless a boatload of Bombay Sapphire is offered and then consumed first....

TPBM is now thinking about gin this early in the morning

Yuck no! Gin tastes like cheap perfume smells.

The person below me is thinking what hot drinks they can have this evening besides a hot toddy.
Pam said:
The person below me is thinking what hot drinks they can have this evening besides a hot toddy.

False - beer and scotch on the menu...

TPBM is sick of minus a billion daytime high temps...
Hot Canuck said:
False - beer and scotch on the menu...

TPBM is sick of minus a billion daytime high temps...

I'm sick of the cold, but we haven't had any minus temperatures, day or not. Unless we convert to Celsius, and then it might be minus in the early morning.

The person below me wishes I would wipe that smug look off my face.
Hot Canuck said:
True. Beers froze and exploded in my trunk last night in not more than an hour...

TPBM loves frostys!

Frosty beers, maybe, but not ones that have exploded all over your trunk.

The person below me uses a cooler to keep their beer cold, not to keep it above freezing.
true, just popped the top on a cold shiner...

TPBM likes Shiner Bock too..
Canuk Pepperhead said:
Im not below you but I hear ya
TPBM is sitting back and having a few drinks right now

Not yet, but almost. The dogs and I are going to take a quick walk, and then I think I'm going to have some red wine tonight.

The person below me is settling in for the evening, too.
if by 'settling in' you mean 'making three dozen votive candle holders with stupid hearty lovey pictues on them' and by evening you mean 'wee hours of the morning' then yes. yes i am.

TPBM could really use a chinook right about now...
Novacastrian said:
True, tooheys extra dry

Tpbm has been wasted for a month

No, no, it just looks that way because I'm a blond.

The person below me wonders if I have a wind tunnel between my ears.
nope...haven't ever thought of you that way...

TPBM wonders why
AlabamaJack said:
nope...haven't ever thought of you that way...

TPBM wonders why

The noise of the whistling wind makes it hard to think.

The person below is going to use this cold day to clean out the seed starting rack and get set and ready to go!
Canuk Pepperhead said:
Im actually sitting back stairing at my pods waiting for some babies to pop out

TPBM is wishing spring would get here already

Yup...too true...


said WFT? Gotcha! :lol:

TPBM is thinking AJ is crazy..