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The Politics Of Hobbies

I see the smiley,laughing face,whatever it's called below.

Ah Grasshopper you see.But I observe. LOL

You just made my point in a ton less words.
If I read your post correctly...

Great way to make my point if I read it right.
I think I did...
You just made my point about the internet.

All sites are social networking some more than most.
What is your point?
What I use to call your site or facebook or that type of thing a site or social networking?
To me THERE IS A DIFFERENCE between a site like THP and Facebook type stuff.
SEE all the pots on this site by people refusing to sign up on facebook or whatever BUT still post here.

Maybe IF I wasn't right about Red Dog,my post might read different to you-you didn't see the smiley or? in the post.
Red Dog and I have had a couple different opinions and discussion on things in the past,not friendly at first,we I Think , have actually become ,if not friends,more like acquaintances,do enjoy our opinions about whatever.
Learned to respect understand each other or whatever.
His last post with the smiley at a scroll down is an example.
Pretty cool.
IF I took his post at face value,or he mine at times,it looked like giving me crap or me ending up giving him crap...IF I didn't scroll down.
Guy is starting to look like he is a good guy to know and have at least as a friend on the net in general.

I am somewhat blunt in some of my posts or use words that can be missinterpeted at times.
Sometimes leads to people getting the wrong message from what I posted,or what I meant to post.

Give me a name to use to post that is different than social networking stuff between sites and facebook type stuff and I'll use it in the future-here,your format.
There is a difference from posting on sites than on Facebook etc.

A site that ALSO has a Facebook page proves my point.

If a site ISN"T different than Facebook,then why have both?
I guess there is Social networking AND Social networking.
Tell me what words to post that is for a site and facebook or whatyever.
I'll use them in the future here.
Sorry about calling you Red Dog instead of Lucky Dog.

Don't know why I used it,won't edit my post either.

Not going to play that game.I screwed up...
YOU knew who I was talking about and you knew from the start I knew your intent in your post-you knew what my answer probably would be too.

An example of belonging on a site rather than a facebook page in my opinion.

I'll try and call you Lucky Dog in the future.
Though I know about YOUR Lucky dog and the reason you have for the name etc.

I'll cop to being an idiot when I screw up.

Now I gotta remember Lucky Dog...Probably not that hard to do if I try.
Red Dog I think comes from somewhere else I guess.

I'll try to post your real name in the future.

Might be funny,but it bothers me more that I called you red Dog instead of Lucky Dog(especially after our converation about dogs) than it does about the post or comments I might not have liked at whatever time.
quick reply to smokemaster re; difference of THP and FB or other "social media" sites-
I view THP as an information resource.  If I'm interested in something or trying to find that "Chile Puree Recipe posted by AlabamaJack" or "How To Get Rid Of Aphids", I can find it, and it might have some new posts updating better methods or products.  Each topic stands on it's own and if someone is interested in Growing Chiles, they can peruse that forum and read all the topics related to Growing Chiles.  Or they can read about the business side of things in one place.   
I've seen many "noobie" type questions posted on FB forums that have been answered here many times over.  Maybe it's my incompetence in working with social media forums, but I don't see how a noobie on a FB forum can easily search for Aphid Eradication Techniques and find what they are looking for.  I've linked answers to these questions on FB back to posts here on THP because there's way more information here on THP that people can get just for the reading than I could ever type (and repeatedly type again and again because the same questions keep coming up...:rolleyes:  ...) 
I don't see the Social Media Forums as being the chile-related information resources that THP and a couple other chile forums are.  Yes, there are some heated social fluff-ups that occur.  Jump into the fray if you have a dog in the fight, or just ignore it knowing that sometimes that schit happens....ie..take the High Road.   
And at scratchz~'s first posts's example- that's just greed or opportunism.  Buy Low-Sell High.  Basic Principles.  Same thing as those American Pickers.... and every other treasure hunter.... and weekend warrior flea market scrounger....
Well, one of the worst episodes i've seen on a forum was about a new that announced the death of a man (relevant to forum interest)... An user (polemic, plurisuspended and addressed to ban) said that didn't knew this guy so it was not so important and there was not need of a new and that was disrespectful with all other dead. Obviolsly other users scorned him. He went on. An administrator (not a mod) told to not flame on this... He went on. A second admin asked him to stop. He went on. Then some random mod banned him.
 Btw, i asked to quit being a mod in that forum (after half year), i need to concentrate more on other on rl.  :P
salsalady said:
I've seen many "noobie" type questions posted on FB forums that have been answered here many times over.  Maybe it's my incompetence in working with social media forums, but I don't see how a noobie on a FB forum can easily search for Aphid Eradication Techniques and find what they are looking for.
Sometimes (actually more than sometimes) good old rtfm works wonder and some people just don't even think about it... I'm not the type to respond just rtfm but someone else is and sometimes someone is pissed at that saying "oh, then what do the forums are for?". To be consulted for example. To store knowledge. To share opinions. To ask advices. To be constructive. Clearly not to say 10k times same things.
Ocho Cinco said:
I think a lot of it is due to the fact that people often turn into someone else when they are on the internet. I've had people say stuff to me that they would never say in person because if they did then one of us would have our ass kicked.
THIS x 1,000,000,000

With the internet now the primary means of communication between people who share similar interests, the socially inept cowards of this world are free to say whatever they want without having to worry about the consequences for doing so.  The relative anonymity of the web has given these people the courage to say things they would never be able to say face to face, and I firmly believe that this is the root cause for the majority of drama that takes place in any online community.
Scoville DeVille said:
So true.  LOL.
Husker21 said:
4 realz. Ski Sundown for life for this guy. Represent!

Are you for real!! Mount Southington 4 Life yo'  - Life is hard in the '06' ;)

Lucky Dog Hot Sauce said:
Lol - red dog is fine - just don't call me late to dinner. :cheers:
Whew I thought he was referring to me ;) - You guys may not know this, but I consider myself…a bit of a loner. I tend to think of myself as a one man wolf pack. But when THP brought Scott online, I knew he was one of my own. And my wolf pack, it grew by one. So were two…so there was two of us in the pack. I…I was alone first in the pack, and then Scott joined in later...
Are you for real!! Mount Southington 4 Life yo'  - Life is hard in the '06' ;)
Lol. I like Snow. But Sundown seeds a 625' vertical trail with moguls. Spring bumps in New Hartford, CT are truly epic. A bunch of us usually take a week off in March to ski bumps all week and tailgate in the parking lot for lunch. Had some killer pulled pork and Korean short ribs last year.
lol I always liked Mohawk and Butternut nice size mountains and fairly close by. Mount Southington is literally 5 miles away from me and it is where our ski club used to go in school - My wife went to Powder Ridge - which just reopened. 
I've noticed hobbies where there is significant risk to one's life involved tend to draw more "passionate" arguments from people who would not normally jump in swing fists with the rest.
In general I find the ranting and raving to be quite humorous in a laugh at you rather than with you sorta way. It's also a key factor when deciding who NOT to take advice from.. Or purchase goods from..
Myself, I tend to stay out along the sidelines unless an unnecessary comment is directed specifically toward me, in which case I'll comment back. I'd personally prefer to handle DBs myself rather than whining to a mod... Only happened once so far here...
ntenny said:
This problem is as old as the internet, I'm pretty sure.  Certainly it was in full swing when I got my first UUCP hookup in 1986 or so.
To me it's best explained by the comic below (warning: strong language):
An old classic for sure. While funny, I don't totally agree. I think a number of factors play in this.

1. Sometimes people are simply dense, and that, combined with a lack of social cues in online communication can lead to rapid escalation of otherwise benign conversation.

2. Some people are just d-bags. They weren't a. Primal person who turned evil online, they were a dick when they got to the Internet & now they're a louder dick ho can be a dick in a myriad of public forums.

3. Some people are passionate about their hobbies - an others will see tht passion as obsession and mock them for it. The "levels" of geek-dom if you will. On the sports forums I moderated MLB was always the worst for this. Baseball stat geeks, sabermatricians, people throwing around terms like VORP & WHIP and BAA - and then you have the casual fan and occasionally the "guy who paints his chest red at the Cardinals game". When those levels of baseball geekdom combine, tumultuous results can occur.

I think that happens in every hobby, with different levels of intensity.

Funny cartoon though. Just see it as a little overly simplified in te context of this discussion.