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The protector of all chilli evils

Was checking out a Californian Wonder plant this morning, and came across:



YOU GO GIRL!! (or boy)
I've been lucky enough to only see 1 Aphid my first year gardening. Knock on wood....

We do have alot of ladybugs around.
Didn't see many aphids either. Not a single one on my outdoor plants, not even on the roses and they REALLY attract those nasties' attention!!!
I saw the bast*rds in the spring. This is them before they bought their mates out in gangs with weapons and stuff, the poor plant never got back to full health.

i was over run with whiteflies this year... i couple super-massive spiders moved in but didn't cull the populations significantly then left when i started neeming the little buggers
One of my roses looks like it's been caught in a snow storm.

Pruned it way back, sprayed it and fortunately its not near anything important.
Ya I got whitefly really bad in my greenhouse and some aphids again

Yes ive had them in my indoor plants,Damn pain to get rid of as they lay there eggs in a tiny brown patch under the leaves..Which looks like the plant just has brown spot on the leaf.
i hate aphids... i overwintered a hab & cayennne plant for my buddy last year... i didnt realize his plants were horribly infected with aphids, before i knew what was happening i was prunig the heck out of my plants, then when i thought the plants might come back my cat knocked them all over and they dropped 4 feet to the ground and half of them died, here it is one year later and I havent even recovered from the experience, let alone those poor plants, may they rest in piece in the compost pile and provide nutrients for other newer stronger peppers...
whoa whoa whoa whoa yeah
what are they good for? absolutely nothing

spray em again


the little song I sing when exterminating the aliens with pyrethrum (provided there are no ladybugs around)
I had aphids last season but they only seemed to be interested in the red cayenne and the Aji Rojo for some reason... Not that i was compaining..

Everything got a good spray down just in case...hehe
just one too many CM...but you are among friends.... :lol:
chilliman64 said:
whoa whoa whoa whoa yeah
what are they good for? absolutely nothing

spray em again


the little song I sing when exterminating the aliens with pyrethrum (provided there are no ladybugs around)

Glad to have you back old man ..Missed the tunes :lol: