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hobbies The Roaming Tome

Out of the blue I received a book in the mail, it was sent to me by Salsalady.
The book is the one and only
Tales of a Low Country Cop
by our very own THP member, Reggie Sharpe - the WarantMan
The book was sent to me as the start of a chain, and this thread is to detail its (hopefully) long world wide voyage.
The idea is to have a read, take a photo or two with the book "having a drink with Reggie", or maybe just doing something that you would normally be doing around home while having a read. Then sign the book and send it on to another THP member for them to do the same.
You may or may not know that the book is coming to you, but once you get it post in this thread.
Unfortunately now that the kung flu has hit and the postal services all over the world being in shambles the travels may take longer than expected.
This book has started its journey, hopefully a long journey, to lots of homes around the world.
Okay, so the first leg of the journey saw it coming from Salsalady (USA) all the way down the Sydney Australia.
I hope Salsalady remembered to take a pic or two before she sent it.
I read the book, Reggie, and thoroughly enjoyed it. You definitely have the knack for telling a tale, and I am sure you have many more tales to tell.
I read the book drinking a beer ( or two)

While I was making more beer

The book is now on its way to the next recipient.
SL, bob65,
Stumbled on this thread just before going to bed. Damn. I thought my eyes were long since dry of tears. Not so. Oh man! Not fair, you found the chink in my armor. 
I am humbled so - that I've no words possible to match. 
Come what may, tonight I am the happiest man in the world. Should it all end tomorrow, I will be buried with a smile! 
I received the book from Bob some time ago, but was waiting to gather some items for a package I had already planned. The recent second wave of COVID will see us here in my state of Victoria in Stage four lock down as of midnight on Wednesday, this includes a curfew already in place. This virus has really tested all of us I'm sure, these are strange times indeed. 
Having said that, I apologise for the delay, and can confirm that the book is now bound stateside to the next lucky recipient. 

So, cheers to our friend, brother, mate, and all an round top bloke Reggie who writes a bloody good yarn, as good as, if not better than the best of 'em.  :cheers:
Not that I'd want to sit this chain out, but in the name of transparency I must declare that not only The Darlin' Bride & I, but my two children and a dear friend of ours each have a copy of Reggie's epic work...The kids have claimed to me that they read it (likely by the light of one generation of iPhone or another), and Terrin and I have both laughed, pulsed our breath and grimaced our way through the work twice that I know of...
Whoever IS in the chain is going to love it!
I have hesitated, pondered to no exact end for many hours, as to if it would be in good taste or honor to comment. I cannot reconcile this nor do I know the answer...
I have done much that I am proud of as well as some - not so much.  But here, in this endeavor so selflessly started by salsalady, all prior accolades pale in comparison. This holds a value I cannot put into words an actual worth. To me it is "priceless."
I appreciate the kind words from all and hope that everyone "in the chain" as it goes, may in some way, share my joy.
salsalady said:
Can we add another layer to this travel story by saying which story or 2 is the most memorable/relatable/impactful to you?

...without revealing anything about the ending of the story!

Whats your fave?
I’ve read it 3 or 4 times, and I’ve gotta say, the 2 stories that crack me up the most are probably the “crackhead falling through the bathroom ceiling” and the “dude who jumped out of the 2nd story window and kept running” :rofl:

I absolutely love that book :cheers:
I've never addressed publicly one chapter, been a while now and "I think," it is titled "Unconfirmed Tall Tales" or something very similar. Legal issues at the time forced me to label it as such. But, in as far as "I know", they are all very "true."

**Legal disclaimer** Not an "official" recount by any government body or official representative thereof.

The author by making such claims does not hold liable, nor is liable to any such body to whom those claims may be afforded to,

That in doing so it is the sole claim of the author that such is uttered without prejudice or malice toward any persons living or dead,

And that any resemblance to such persons or circumstances is sheer coincidence and not to be construed otherwise.

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In January 2020, THP member Salsalady (owner and operator of Pure Evil products) http://pureevilproducts.com/capsaicindrops.html also https://methowvalleygoods.com/ started this project called the “Roaming Tome.” A selfless act, wherein the idea was, a copy of my book would travel the world by means of chilheads. Each recipient would read the book, make a post here with a photo or two, “sign” the book and send it to another – anywhere in the world. It was hoped that the book would travel the entire globe.

The idea took off with great enthusiasm, with the first point hitting Australia. It hit several points there before coming back to America. Sadly, the last recipient and a great member of our community (GIP) died.

Rather than pester a grieving family on this sort of thing, it will end there.

I still believe this is a great experiment to continue.

With the blessing of the originator (salsalady) I will launch the endeavor once again.

The deal should you accept it:

The first to PM me with acceptance and mailing address will receive the full lot of my offerings to include my book. Upon acceptance of such, read the book (post a couple pics here, with the book) sign it somewhere and send it to another chilihead anywhere of your choosing, with the same instructions.

When no room is left for signatures - send the book back to me or salsalady.

This offer extends to anywhere in the world a parcel from the United States may reach.

That’s the deal.

Reggie – The Warrant Man
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I'm glad to see this starting again. I also didn't realize GIP was the last recipient, and would love to see a book moving again.

My thoughts were to have the book being sent to unsuspecting persons who you think would enjoy it. You might have to get a little sneaky creative about getting a person's address if you want it to be a surprise. Perhaps the person you want to send it to has a website, sells seeds or sauces, maybe they posted about an exchange or received something in the PPATB thread. Contact the person who sent it. BUT PLEASE, be aware that some people may not want to share personal information about another THP member. Or just ask the person for their mailing address saying you have something for them. Whatever works... ;)

Read the book, enjoy the stories, take a picture or two with the book and your favorite beverage or home or yard...post it here and send it on. Thanks Reggie for sending out another book.
Proud to report "the Roaming Tome" project is on again! As with last time, the first recipient will be outside the United States. It is my sincere hope that many along the way, might find a little enjoyment participating in this unique experiment!

"Official" launch date will be 9-1-2021. 📬

Stay tuned.
This is awesome! :metal:As the person who sent the book to GIP, I'm glad this is up and running again. WarrantMan, as always your generosity knows no bounds, much respect to you sir. If it helps any, I have a package planned for WarrantMan, I'd be happy to send the book back to the US if someone wants to send it to me.