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"The Scovie Chronic-le"

As some of you know, I was adopted and have been searching for my birth family. Well, I have made huge progress with a lot of help from other very kind people. I was actually able to send a woman that message that I could only immagine sending one day...
"Hello, are you my mom?"

We were able to take my DNA matches down from my 3X Great grandfather to a family that lives in Utah. Having a 2nd cousin and a 3rd cousin DNA match was helpful because we were able to triangulate the families and find where they had to fit also. I am 95% sure I have found my birth family! It all fits. She has 3 sons that appears, 2 of them could be my full siblings and one would be a half sibling. I am so stoked. I messaged her on FB and also called her home and left a message on her voice mail. I didn't really want to call from fear of blowing up a family but, virtually everyone in my circle said I should call. Boom, now I wait...

Through this process, I have learned alot about my ancestral lineage. My ancestors came over from Western europe and settled in Pennsylvania, then Michigan and Iowa. There were endogamous communities which was pretty common back then. Besides, folks had to stay warm in the winter, even if it was with your sister-cousin. LOL From there, one man, my 3XGG came out west to Scotts Bluff ND and had 13 children. From there it exploded. I was born about 150 miles away from Scotts Bluff and a huge population of his family still lives there. Like, hundreds of them.

Pretty cool journey all in all. I would highly recommend anyone curious about their past, do the ancestry DNA. Well worth the $98.
Well, I have thought about every scenario I can think of but basically, 1. she won't want anything to do with me in which case I won't ever know. That would be worst case scenario. 2. Best case scenario would be for her to connect with me and verify some info like dates and locations but I will still want a dna comparison test just for that reason, I want to know for 99.9999% sure!

Fingers crossed.