seed-train THE "SEED TRAIN"

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I think I've got you covered on that... I have some C. Praeternissum seeds, I forget the accession number. But I have good luck getting it to grow (for a wild).

BTW it didn't make it in todays mail. Do we have a tracking number for it, or no?
I'm looking for any wilds i have just about everything else want something that is small wild and not many have

I've got some wilds but all i know them by is "rare Brazilian chininse" l
They're pretty cool. Small orange triangle shaped HOT pods and lots of em. Interested?
Alrighty, heard from Kevin H, he says there was something wrong with the way the address was written and the train ended up back at his house... SO he's going to re-send it out.

Looking forward to getting it! :)


OK the garlic and red pepper powder was the best.... I love that stuff pm me where I can get the seeds to make some for my self...
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