food The Soup Thread

Rajun Gardener said:
That looks good, I like that oil and need to make me some. Recipe?

Its very simple.
Bring some low sodium chicken stock and chopped pickled mustard or pickled nappa to a boil. Soak it first if you want it less sour. I used homemade so it not that bad. The stuff you buy might have vinegar added.
When the stock reaches a boil toss in a couple handfuls for wontons. Boil according to the directions. Bibigo mini wontons take around 3min at a boil
Garnish with about 1-2 tbs of chili oil
Tiny splash of black vinegar (optional)
LaoGanMa is pretty salty so unless you like very salty soup i really suggest no salt added or very low sodium chicken stock. I used the bone broth from Costco. Kitchen Basics has a no salt added stock you can buy at most places.
Today is Ham and Beans.
2.5 cups of diced country ham lightly browned...sorry saving the bone for later use.
5 cups soaked canary beans (over night)
1 onion
3 stalks of celery
12 few baby carrots
2 cups water and a quart of low sodium chicken stock....probably need a little more later.
Heaping tbs minced garlic
1 tsp cumin
2 Bay leaves
Fresh thyme...just picked it actually.
1/2 tsp white pepper
1/2 tsp panca powder
Maybe some coarse Aleppo flakes for a tiny bit of color and flavor
Make a sofrito first from the onion, 2 celery stalks, garlic, cumin, pepper and thyme.
Toss all the rest of the stuff in the pot except the carrots and 1 stalk of celery. I like some slightly crunchy veggies in my soups so i will add them later.
Remove about 1/3-1/2 cup of the cooked beans. Let them cool and blitz them in the Nutribullet. Keep them in reserve for a thickener if needed.
Really loving these beans. I found a better price on them at the closest Walmart. Same brand as they carry at my specialty market but about half the price. I think this is the first time ive added carrots and celery to a more or less classic style ham and beans. Purty damn good though. Next time i think i wll add a small can of diced mild green chiles or use it for a garnish.