• Blog your pepper progress. The first image in your first post will be used to represent your Glog.

The start of my 2012 growing list

Well from the few I had already and the ones I have gained since being on here my list is starting to look okay and above the average until compared to many on here.lol...

Zimbabwe Bird Pepper
Purple Serrano
Purple Jalapeno
Chocolate Habs
White Habs
Naga (red and chocolate)
Uba Tuba (thanks to Richard)
Manzano (red,orange and yellow)
Fatali (yellow and hopefully Ann's)
Yellow 7 pod
Butch T
Brain strain
Bhut Jolokia

Still more to be added as we get closer to getting it going for the season. Already started a few that I will play with growing inside for the winter some in soil and some hydroponically. I have the space to plant to my content as well as having a greenhouse going up now to help things along with our wacky weather and temps we get here in Western Washington. Started my seeds in a terrestrial orchid mix and so far real good.

my first ever Bhut Jolokia


3 yellow Manzano

Zimbabwe Bird Pepper
Well all but 1 flower failed to set fruit on the Manzano peppers but they are all in #3 squat pots now so have plenty of grow room for the winter. The Bhut is coming along, had a few fert/ph problems but think it has worked itself out now I am using ph down on my water before using it on the plants.

And here are my 2 fatalli pepper seedlings growing under my florescent lights.

and a tepin and I believe a bird pepper.

May not be a bird pepper, if I'm looking at the right photo that is.

The "bird's" usually have narrower leaves closer to the thai's...

May not be a bird pepper, if I'm looking at the right photo that is.

The "bird's" usually have narrower leaves closer to the thai's...

I see them with bigger leaves especially on young plants before they branch out but it may not be.Also that is only a 4" pot so those leaves are not that big, for example the fatalli are in 6" 1/2 gal square pots. Either way I am growing over the winter and once it blooms I should have a better idea and once it fruits an even better one. It is a slow grower as it is the same age as the manzano and bhut plants and the bhut was kept in a small pot until recently trying to keep it under control till I finish my other hold over areas/room.
Fixed my bud set problem on my three Manzano plants or it may have worked itself out. Once all three had flowers open at the same time I started getting fruit setting this last week. It will be interesting because they are under T8 florescent lighting and so far setting fruit just fine. I do have both red and blue spec bulbs in the 6 tube fixture.



On another note in dealing with a few fungus gnats I found out that the fatali and bhut jolokia do not like the neem spray on their leaves and are sulking.
Looking like its parent plant SS. Here are how mine are looking now.

And here are some updates of my Manzano peppers producing under florescent lights.


