pests The SWARM of tiny dark bugs on my garlic/onions

Okay, I know they're not chillis.
I had my garlic which, albeit, was not performing well apparently succumb to a swarm of dark brown insects that literally coat the whole f**king plant.
They could be aphids - they drop to the dirt with any confrontation and when I squash hundreds of them it's like red wine on my fingers.
Now they're on my Spanish onions which are more or less ready.
What are they? What do I do?
Should I just harvest tomorrow and hose them off and leave them to dry?
a quick google search and it appears you may have onion thrips. seems like neems in order.

good luck.
Mmm cud be sheep related ;) had to be done bro, pull em hose em eat them and ditch the soil of nuke it neem

Just made my own blend morugaaaaaaaaa garlic garlic and garlic and the rest goes to the grave
hey mate they are 100% black aphids I had them last year they had the same red wine colour when squished I used a scale gun which I had in the shed which killed them of quick, you could give neem oil a crack but yea anything that kills aphids quickly
Sans pics, my thought is that I've not seen aphids "[background=rgb(255, 244, 228)]drop to the dirt with any confrontation[/background]", so I'm not sold that they're aphids. I more agree with Mark on the thrips. But again, no pics, so who really knows? Regardless, especially with swarms of them, I also agree - neem is in order.