food The Trinity Burger

I have been giving some thought about what to do with the super hot pods I was given by SS. I figure after my very conservative pepper tasting video, I am gonna have to go for broke. I heard about The Four Horsemen Burger being made and sold down in San Antonio, and thought what a better way to make up for the weak video showing by making my own version. I will use three whole pods to make up "The Trinity" of heat. The pods I will use are the Dorset Naga, Trinidad Scorpion, and the Chocolate Habanero. I haven't decided on how exactly I will incorporate them into the burger though. Should I sauté them and add as a garnish on top of the meat? How about cooking them into the meat patty? Slice them up raw on top? A combination of methods? The pods have been frozen so they would not go bad.........

Help me make this! I will eat it! :mouthonfire:
I have had the luck of living in San Antonio for a while. I was blessed/cursed enough as well to eat the Four Horseman Burger. It is amazing. They use a concentrated sauce, sauteed peppers, and a bit of seasoning on the meat as well. If you have seen the man vs food, you know what it is. I would say to saute them first with some onions, keep em warm, and cook the burger in the oil leftover from the saute. I dont know if Id incorporate it into the meat. Maybe a touch of serrano or something a little milder than the other three for some flavor instead of raw heat. And possibly some garlic as well. Sounds like youll be having fun. Let us know how it works out for ya. I love playing around with peppers in the kitchen. I went to culinary school for a while. They thought I had a deathwish. I would get shunned for making dishes too hot.
Choppem' up and put 'em in the burger. No matter how you add them, better post pics of the thus far "alleged" take no prisoners burger. We are a demanding and fickle crowd here on THP. Chop chop!! Get to making that burger pronto!!
It is made, and sittin' in front of me. OHHHHH GOODDDD!!!!! This muther is gonna hurt!!!!!! :mouthonfire:

Pics will follow as soon as I try to eat this spawn of my evil one. :hell:

And recover enough to see the key board!!!!! :mouthonfire:
OH YEA!!!!!!
Hopefully by now all of your appendages still work. Gotta show off some pics of the hot stuff!!!!

Congrats on the accomplishment. Hope it all went down and came out ok! Eat some ice cream after. It helps when you "pass" the evidence, so to speak.
OK, I am recovering now. Good God that was frigging hot! My lips are still on fire, and I feel a peculiar warmth coming from my stomach right now. here is some proof of life pics!

All the ingredients gathered together:

Mixing up the Angus hamburger with onion, A1 sauce, season all, and a healthy dollop of garlic:

After I pulled out some for the wife, I mixed in the chopped Chocolate Habanero:

Formed patties ready for grill! (mine is in front)

while they cooked, I chopped up the Dorset Naga and Scorpion pods, put them on a slice of American Cheese:


Layed the cheese/pepper assembly on the patty. let her cook in and get all melty:

Money Shots!!!!!!!


Now I need to go get some ice cream!
That does look like an oven burger! Good job RS on handling the heat. I made some burgers like this a while back with bhut sauce in the meat and more diced bhut on top. Didn't win many friends that day.
Awesome job, RS!! You need to be in on the next throwdown in 2 weekends!!

Must have been a crappy day in Spanaway WA, so you had to use the oven instead of firing up the coals. It's all good. No shame.

Points for taking out some for the misses. I do the same now. It was funny the first few times I surprised her (funny for me), but after a while one has to ask himself if he wants to continue celebrating the physical nature of his relationships. Hot Pepper practical jokes (while extremely hilarious) don't help put any notches on the bedpost.

Would have been nice to see a pic with a bite taken out, but I trust you enjoyed the whole thing.
It was done on the gas grill, I do not like charred meat. Thats why the aluminum foil, and it also keeps the grill cleaner too. The wife did get a taste of a super hot the other day, she said no way, no how on the spicy hot burger, so I did the honorable thing.

Aha. Then I take back the whole oven thing. I can attest that he indeed did eat the whole thing live in the chat room last night. Did so admirably at that.
Great job! You make all us Washintonians proud. I would love to share a superhot burger and Sam Adams with you any day. Great pics and story. :mouthonfire: :beer:
We might have to do that when we get a harvest going.......get Maligator, and any other Seattlite chili head over too. BYOB and any pods you have. Get the better 2/3rds involved with a potluck or something. It will be a chilihead party Pacific Northwest style! :D
I'm down ;) I don't have a better half so that just means MORE FOR ME! :D Finally have flowers growing on some of my plants and they look as if they may actually be happy...See what a little sun and not so much rain can do for EVERYONE's spirits :cool: