I have been giving some thought about what to do with the super hot pods I was given by SS. I figure after my very conservative pepper tasting video, I am gonna have to go for broke. I heard about The Four Horsemen Burger being made and sold down in San Antonio, and thought what a better way to make up for the weak video showing by making my own version. I will use three whole pods to make up "The Trinity" of heat. The pods I will use are the Dorset Naga, Trinidad Scorpion, and the Chocolate Habanero. I haven't decided on how exactly I will incorporate them into the burger though. Should I sauté them and add as a garnish on top of the meat? How about cooking them into the meat patty? Slice them up raw on top? A combination of methods? The pods have been frozen so they would not go bad.........
Help me make this! I will eat it!
Help me make this! I will eat it!