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overwintering the winter grow!

Looks nice!  Have you ever grown watermelon?  They like to spread out sideways over a large area... not ideal for indoor growing around other plants.
1968dart said:
This is my new indoor grow and it's off to a good start.

Two 8 bulb T5 grow lights.
16 varieties of peppers.
1 variety of watermelon cause my son wanted to grow one
Man Watermelon is tough granted I planted late but I only got 1 good size one that was just full of seed and 3 small ones out of 3 plants I did some reading and guess you really only want one melon per vine. I have seen the smaller ones planted on a wall with the hammock method work pretty well. I tired the Full size mojo watermelon this year planted in the garden next to Pumpkin man that was a mistake I got very few melons and a whole Charlie brown pumpkin patch  . 
looking good so far!
1968dart said:
Yeah this is a midget verity and I hope to train it to climb the sides and I'll hammock the melons. Had to try for the boy.

This is a Malaysian Goronong I like the tricotyledon.
Are all goronongs tricots?
No there not all tricot. ...just the one plant. Everything is growing well most everything has at lest 2 true leaves and i started germinating august 20th. All seed came from Tradewind fruits and everything has germinated except the Butch-t seeds and the Aji dulce 2 . But there still in the germinating bin so there's still a chance.

Here's a pic of my rack...once im done germinating then I will spread out my plant under the two lights as they need more room. I can also drop one self out so my peppers will have lots of room to grow.

OK I know this isn't a pepper but this thing was a seed 25 days ago.

This is a White Bhut Jolkia which since reading on this site might not turn out to produce a white pod? There was a thread that was debating if this seed from Tradewind Fruits was viable? Did anyone ever grow this to produce pods and post any pictures? Im curious to know cause it was one of the seeds I was most excited about. I have 6 seedlings of this strain.

Though I give an update of the T5ho winter grow. Everything it coming along nicely and im going to start a gentle organic fertilizer. I will be fertilizing a small amount with every watering from now on. 1 part urea 1 part potash 2 parts bone meal. Adding a teaspoon of that mixture per gallon of water. I will give the plants sulfur and Epsom salts at a later time.

Jamaican scotch bonnet yellow

Black Naga

These are the watermelons im growing with my peppers. Good roots ready for transplanting into bigger pots. 43 days into the grow from seed.

Already budding up. When I get a male and female flower open at the same time I'll Pollinate. Only allowing one melon per plant.
Thanks I sowed the seeds for everything both peppers and melons on Aug 20th. Ended up with 15 out of 16 varieties. Only the Butch-t seeds didn't germinate but that's OK cause I have 3 healthy Moruga's. I really only have room for 20 adult plants and I have 50 seedlings so I'll have to give some away or move them to the one window I have and hope the get enough light till spring. The plan is to have 20 topped and pruned peppers ready to go outside for spring. I'll keep them in containers on my deck.
Hope you got a load more space and lights.
I have an 8 tube by 4 foot T5, and it barely lights up 4 plants in 5 gallon "root spa's".
I do have a load crammed into 1 gallon regular flower pots----3 plants to a pot----for a semi-bonchi project, but too soon to se if it will actually work out.

Oh, a pic would likely show better than words.
Yeah I have another 4 ft 8 tube and I plan on only keeping 20 plants 10 under each light in 6 liter pots till I move them outside in spring. Hope to get a good head start for next season.
I only planted this many peppers cause I didn't think I'd get this many to germinate. I wanted to make sure I got at least one healthy plant of each of the 16 Varieties I planted. So when I run out of room for them I'll have to get rid of the weakest ones