chinense THe wounderful world of chinense

stillmanz said:
I'm a bit hung over and its alittle rainy out side so I was just trolling the net and went on to and was searching through the data base 60 somethin pages of chinense photos of pods and flowers.
what strikes meis the incredible variance in pod shape and even flowers... many of the flowers have straight up charectoristics of frutescen. I noticed there were even somepequin type pods.
I like the lookof the malasian chinense .
I'm thinking I might start a collection of the more obscure
SO heres the question I'm obviously chasing quality seeds were to start, private collector or organisation, anyone got any tips?
I'm looking at you Potawie lol
PM meif you want to be secretive and keep the rest in the can be our secret lol

..But seriously if your bored gocheck that data base out you could get lost in there and the difference on the plants (even in the leaves OMRI lol) will blow your mind.


stillmanz said:
Don't get me started lol

...waits patiently for Omri..... lol
Someone called my name? :)
Well as most of us know (as I learned not too long ago), most peppers contain several types of genes.
The ones with the "characteristics of frutescen", contain the frutescens genes that are the source of those characteristics.
"Pure" Chinense, would not have ANY of those characteristics.

chilehunter said:
GB - I forgot who said the "roundish" comment but even me being just a hobby chile grower I know alot of chinense chiles are very different in many ways. I wanted to add that comment to this thread because even loki said my orange plum didnt look like a chinense, I dont know maybe it is or maybe it aint ?

stillz - I never really looked through every chinense plant chileman has on the website, more or less I didnt want to go through 67 pages but going through 10 pages you can see the differences that chinense chiles have in pods,leaves,flowers,etc...
I saw "guam boonies" in CCN chinense search, I only had to look through 5 pages = much easier & those guam boonies are classified as a chinense & they look just like a thai chile! go figure since some others would say its not a chinense.

omri - come on dont ignore this thread, we all know you've seen this thread. come on in & argue your facts or just say " you know what I guess I was wrong " its not a big deal to be wrong every now & then.
Not ignoring, just really shocked from all the attention I got.
I'm swamped with work, and I was awfully sick in the last few days.

chilehunter said:
no, stillz wanted to debate some facts with omri, I had nothing to do with this other than making that 1st comment, I was just BS'ing around.

omri has been low key lately, I wonder if theres a "gilmore girls" marathon going on ?
Well you got my comment, and no... there wasn't any "marathon". :lol:
"pure chinenses" please...
get out of the lab and enjoy the plant. You need to start growing chillis and experiencing all the variables, all the things that just happen before you can start telling people how it is.
Did I say something wrong? anyways, I didn't mean to. :shocked:
You started a discussion, and I participated. you didn't really think EVERYONE will agree with you, right?
im with ya stillmanz...... it dont have to be pure and textbook to be enjoyable.

a couple of years back i had a jalapeno plant next to some sort of thai chilli with red hot arrow head shaped little pods that started out all sorts of colours like purple, yellow and orange.

anyway...... i left that town and moved. i dug up the jalapeno and brought it with me but it didnt survive the move. it had one pod on it so i kept the seeds and when i planted them last season i got large light green arrow head shaped jalapenos that are 10 time hotter than usual. they were great..... the best of both worlds. i still have seeds too !

the best dog i had when i was a kid was a german shepard / irish setter cross. loyal, smart and gentle but yould defend you to the death.

im loving growing the chinense chillis..... they are great! i love the flavours and the plants look fantastic. They really seem to love the australian climate.

i just planted a 7 pot/pod seed in a pot in my garage to see if i can get it to kick off to over winter and get a long harvest from next year.

ground...... what ground.

i have a swamp!!!

Im planning on that one too mate.... as well as a trinidad scorpion. just need to find a pot to put a seed in. i even kept some rain water in a pump pack to water them with..... not that there is much of that around at the moment.

after handling the 7 pot seed..... i licked my fingers..... it took almost 30 seconds then this slow building burn developed on my tongue. Scary stuff!

I just puta trinidad garden in
trinis hot cherry
trinidad scorpion
seven pot
got a wet pot system running and just sowed seeds direct.
I never dothis but its an experiment.
I find chilliplants in my climate dobetter directly sown, youmay lose a few but what survives always grows faster and stronger.
It will either work for me or not.
I'm getting back to nature
tony05 said:
i just planted a 7 pot/pod seed in a pot in my garage to see if i can get it to kick off to over winter and get a long harvest from next year.


Tony - I planted some 7 Pot from Tdad and they all sprouted and are up with leaves in 9 days....kept them at ~30C.
Stillmanz...... i do agree....... direct sown plants are the go.

I have the same chillis as you by the sounds of it and im very excited. Might put one seed of each in a pot ans one of each in the ground to see how they go. Its a bit cooler down here in the winter so they may not live through the winter and that would be a waste of very hard to get..... precious seeds!

i have considered the posibility of putting stakes around them and wrapping them in clear plastic to heat them through the winter. not sure if this works but i see a lot of seedlings planted by the greenies and council like this... so it nust work.

will give it a go and keep records..... nothing ventured... nothing gained.

Do you get much frost?
If you don't get frost they should be sweet they'll slow down and look ordinary but they shouldn't die if you get mild frost maybe a bit of shade cloth for cover or I see you can get those frost bags there pretty cool, even saw them at bunnings.

I was reading about congopepper crops in Trinidad and they are sown direct picked twice and then turned back in for optimum size.
My fathers been telling me to sow direct for years but i'm always too precious about the seeds lol.
I have some red and yellow Habanero Seeds atm, if you need any.....

Sorry, but that seems to be all the chin. I have plenty of atm.
wewt! i have the legendary 7 pod, YAAAAAY! the most varied pod shape pepper of all time!!!! some even look like pears, while others look similar to scorpions! or wrinkled pimply freaks...
cap lover said:
wewt! i have the legendary 7 pod, YAAAAAY! the most varied pod shape pepper of all time!!!! some even look like pears, while others look similar to scorpions! or wrinkled pimply freaks...
What are you talking about?
7 Pod = roundish + lumpy
Anything else is crossing with other pepper, and no... it's not 'the most varied pod shape pepper of all time', but it is really cool. :lol:
Cap you would like cili gorongong (spelling) too do a google or check out thechileman
very cool shaped pods

I have found Most chinensis have the potential for interesting shapes.
I love the Guadaloupe hab for cool shapes(and size) and can't wait for the Cili Goronong pods too.
