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fermenting TheGreenChileMonster Ferments Some Sauce

Last November, right before a frost, I pulled all of the rocoto pods off of my plants. I then made a mash with rocoto pods and salt only.


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Thegreenchilemonster said:
I just took these two piles of chiles, and blended them up with some salt, and a touch of water to facilitate the blending process.

One batch is all peach bhut SS, the other is all peach bhut×coyote zan white.

I ended up with two half gallon jars of mash, slapped some airlocks on them, and will be tucking them away in the closet to ferment for a while.
This is such an awesome hot sauce log. Your stuff looks incredible... mouth is watering over here!

Also, what a coincidence that I was reading this just after my (what I thought was original) cross between the Coyote Zan White and Peach Bhut germinated! So cool that your pods look exactly like a blend of the two.. Like the genetics got perfectly split in half from each and put into one. What do you think of your version? Hows the flavor of the peppers?

Very excited to see how mine turn out!
Thegreenchilemonster said:
I've never tried smoking then fermenting, then dehydrating for a paste before. Sounds tasty! You should try it out!
I will! Thinking I should leave it at the paste stage vs going all the way since it should be shelf stable with ph <4.6 from the fermenting.. Although a smoked, fermented, dried pepper powder would be interesting as well.. Could try both ways pretty easily and make a thread.

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YAMracer754 said:
I will! Thinking I should leave it at the paste stage vs going all the way since it should be shelf stable with ph <4.6 from the fermenting.. Although a smoked, fermented, dried pepper powder would be interesting as well.. Could try both ways pretty easily and make a thread.

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So here's "beta version test" of this fermented and smoked then pureed and dehydrated to a paste product. Should have taken pictures of the ferments and smoked peppers they were very nice and a great assortment :) I dehydrated it at 105 to attempt to keep the LAB alive, not sure if it worked but it tastes great and has wonderful consistency! Will do a bigger batch and take more photos next time. I let it go overnight and get a little drier than I'd have liked but after I mix it all together it should be paste-putty like consistency. Hell of an awesome aroma.. Smokey and all kinds of other pepper notes from the Aleppos, Pueblos, red jalapeño, bad brains, pdnbmj, sulu adana Turkish sweet peppers, and red Caribbean Habs!

Wonder how I should store it.. Mash it together, plastic wrap, fridge, freezer? Jam it in a pint jar? Really need to get a vacuum sealer!

Always so hard to take photos while I'm doing recipes as I always have pepper gloves/hands and don't wanna endure a week of burning cellphone hands when the capsaicin gets in my case..

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Hey chilemonsta, have you tried putting tomatoes sliced/chopped/whole into any of your ferments with sliced carrot and peppers or mash? If so how did it turn out? Got these brads atomic grape tomatoes that are on the edge (severely need to be used) and some are light ripe some are still purple and green, was thinking of doing a jar like yours with the layering ;)
YAMracer754 said:
So here's "beta version test" of this fermented and smoked then pureed and dehydrated to a paste product. Should have taken pictures of the ferments and smoked peppers they were very nice and a great assortment :) I dehydrated it at 105 to attempt to keep the LAB alive, not sure if it worked but it tastes great and has wonderful consistency! Will do a bigger batch and take more photos next time. I let it go overnight and get a little drier than I'd have liked but after I mix it all together it should be paste-putty like consistency. Hell of an awesome aroma.. Smokey and all kinds of other pepper notes from the Aleppos, Pueblos, red jalapeño, bad brains, pdnbmj, sulu adana Turkish sweet peppers, and red Caribbean Habs!

Wonder how I should store it.. Mash it together, plastic wrap, fridge, freezer? Jam it in a pint jar? Really need to get a vacuum sealer!

Always so hard to take photos while I'm doing recipes as I always have pepper gloves/hands and don't wanna endure a week of burning cellphone hands when the capsaicin gets in my case..

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Wow, that's some stuff.  I am curious on the dehydration of the puree.  At some point, you are using this back into a sauce.  At what point to you stop, or have you taken it further to see what happens?  Good cleanup afterwards regardless.  Sauces look awesome.