• Blog your pepper progress. The first image in your first post will be used to represent your Glog.

ThePepperGrowingMan's 2010 Grow Log

ThePepperGrowingMan's 2010 Grow Log

Put the seeds in the dirt today. Trying to get a total of about 30 plants across 9 types. Ordered all my seeds from pepperjoe.com this year. Assuming some will die.

Here's the list:
Hot Banana
Long Red Slim
Charleston Hot
Turkish Cayenne
Hot Caribbean
Atomic Starfish
Tabago Seasoning
Giant Jolokia
Scotch Bonnet

Here's where they will live (hopefully) over the next few months:

The larger plants on the right are my overwintered Jolokias. Grow On!
Your peppers and gardens look amazing. I've been interested in doing the Charleston pepper next year. Yeah Pepper Joe I think makes up shit to seem like he has different variety. I got some normal Bhut seeds from him a long with White Hab. I don't think I'll order from him anymore. Keep up the great work though!!
Your peppers and gardens look amazing. I've been interested in doing the Charleston pepper next year. Yeah Pepper Joe I think makes up shit to seem like he has different variety. I got some normal Bhut seeds from him a long with White Hab. I don't think I'll order from him anymore. Keep up the great work though!!

Thank you. Pepper growing has moved from a hobby to a full blown addiction!

I've been impressed with the charlestons. Only had one ripe one so far (a lot are getting close) and it had a mild heat, at least on my scale, and a great taste. Plants are heavy producers. I have 3 and each have about 50 - 60 pods on them right now and are still growing/producing more. definately part of the garden plan for next year.

my neighbor ordered almost all his seeds from pepper joe. Right now looks like almost all of them are growing true...although the real test will come when the bhuts (lemon and chocolate) start ripening. He has the giant jolokias from pepper joe too. The plants seem bigger but as for the peppers themselves the verdict is still out. My normal bhuts are bigger than the pepper joe giant bhuts.
One more update specific to the bhut jolokias. For those of us in coler climates with shorter seasons getting a decent harvest can be challenging. I had two over wintered jolokias. I kept them growing all winter...12 - 16 hours of T5 light per day. I cut them both back around December. Starting in late Feb (2 - 3 months before move out) I let one of them go...no more pinching flowers or cutting anything back. I kept pinching the other and cut it back again about a month prior to move out. I was curious if new growth from the cut back plant would exceed the "old" growth on the one I left alone. While it's still early the old growth plant is kicking butt in terms of size and production. It has almost 50 pods right now and the one I cut back has 14.

The one on the left is the one I left alone. The righty is the cut back:



(rail behind plants is 40 inches)

I'm going to keep an eye on this for the rest of the season. If not cutting back can help get more peppers I'm all for it. I lost more than I harvested last year because it was october and almost all of my jolokias (the ones in the garden anyway) were still green...and it was snowing:(
amazing pictures;
that cutting-back experiment is pretty damn cool.

Thank you. One other thing to mention, pods started forming on the plant i left alone while it was still inside. Not a lot, maybe 4 or 5. Those pods were tiny and stayed that way even after I moved them outside. They never got more than 1/2 inch long and ripened in late June. Size aside, they still had that extreme jolokia heat. Other pods that have formed since moving outside are normal size.
Looking good!
With your cut-back plant, did you cut back the roots or just the tops.
Personally I only cutback overwintered plants to save on space. If you have the space in the winter, I don't see much point doing any major pruning
Looking good!
With your cut-back plant, did you cut back the roots or just the tops.
Personally I only cutback overwintered plants to save on space. If you have the space in the winter, I don't see much point doing any major pruning

Thank you. This is by far my best season yet. It's only my 3rd but man when i think back to my plants in year 1 I kind of laugh. I had 20 different kinds of pepper all jammed in one pot and was lucky to get 1 pepper per 6 inch plant, lol.

I just cut back the tops. Based on what I;ve seen this year (and you seem to be validating) there's really no reason to chop them back. I have plenty of space and will be overwintering 5 plants this year. Any cut back or trimming will be kept to a minimum.

Anyone else growing the giant jolokia from pepperjoe? I tried the one in the picture last night and compared it to an also still green regular jolokia. Same jolokia taste and about 25% of the heat. Won't be a bad pepper if they truly grow bigger than the regular jolokia and can keep that level of heat.
thanks guys. This year is going MUCH better for me than last year. Will post some more photos a little later today, lots of great pod action happening and have some ripening bhut jolokias:hell: