• Blog your pepper progress. The first image in your first post will be used to represent your Glog.

ThePepperGrowingMan's 2010 Grow Log

ThePepperGrowingMan's 2010 Grow Log

Put the seeds in the dirt today. Trying to get a total of about 30 plants across 9 types. Ordered all my seeds from pepperjoe.com this year. Assuming some will die.

Here's the list:
Hot Banana
Long Red Slim
Charleston Hot
Turkish Cayenne
Hot Caribbean
Atomic Starfish
Tabago Seasoning
Giant Jolokia
Scotch Bonnet

Here's where they will live (hopefully) over the next few months:

The larger plants on the right are my overwintered Jolokias. Grow On!
not everybody likes the scent of burning peppers. not very nice to hang around and cook inside a kitchen full of pepper fumes. hehe.

the dehydrator will be placed outdoors while being used to dehydrate stuff. "sundried" tomatoes, healthy style chips and such come to mind when using a dehydrators. =D

lots of uses for it for sure.
Haha, that's awesome dude.
I started using my oven since I don't have enough to warrant buying a dehydrator. 4.5 hours at 200 deg seems to work right on my gas oven.

I set the dehydrator i have to 135 deg to usually set the timer for 12 - 13 hours depending on what i have in there. some of these take a lot longer to dry than others because they are so fat, even cut up. I've seen your grow thread and you make damn good use of the space you have. I'm terribly inefficient and just lucky to have a lot of space :)

not everybody likes the scent of burning peppers. not very nice to hang around and cook inside a kitchen full of pepper fumes. hehe.

the dehydrator will be placed outdoors while being used to dehydrate stuff. "sundried" tomatoes, healthy style chips and such come to mind when using a dehydrators. =D

lots of uses for it for sure.

You got it. The first time i ran the dehydrator last year (i had just bought it) i had it loaded with jolokias in the basement. my wife almost killed me, the house smelled like jolokia for the entire day and she hates it. It's garage only now :)

I'm getting ready to break out the smoker in about 30 minutes to cherry/apple smoke a load of peppers before I dry them. Tasty !
yeah that stuff smells evil. lol.

You got it. The first time i ran the dehydrator last year (i had just bought it) i had it loaded with jolokias in the basement. my wife almost killed me, the house smelled like jolokia for the entire day and she hates it. It's garage only now :)

sweet! sounds good. too bad that kinda smoking wood are hellishly expensive out here.

I'm getting ready to break out the smoker in about 30 minutes to cherry/apple smoke a load of peppers before I dry them. Tasty !
Here's my Saturday afternoon harvest. Includes: Red Caribbeans,Chocolate Habs, Hot Charlestons,Giant Jolokia, Atomic Starfish, Hot Banana, Long Reds, Orange Habs and a single Jamaican Yellow.

Fine harvest, those GJs look pretty mean. :hell:

Indeed they are. I put them at about 80% of my regular jolokias. The giants taste the same and the plants grow a lot faster, put off bigger pods and a lot more of them compared to my regular jolokias. An overwinter/clone project for sure.


Nice haul! Yup...I agree if you keep getting harvests like that your going to need another dehydrator ;)
I was just outside...since that harvest on saturday i have just over 200 ripe peppers waiting outside to be picked. this is like a job, lol.

Thanks guys.
Here's today's lunchtime harvest, got about 75% of what's ripe picked before the mosquitoes started eating me alive.


now that the weather is finally cooling off pods are starting to set again like crazy...
I've been making some powder blends today. Here's a bunch of different type of peppers waiting to meet the grinder:


Here are a few of the blends i have made today. I labeled the first two with paper and tape and then got off my ass and went and bought some real labels. Tasting to determine heat has been fun :beer: Think i will harvest tonight or tomorrow morning when it's not so hot. Another couple hundred peppers waiting for me outside...

The powders look great. Always nice to have some good powder around to "fix" your food up with

Oh yea, especially over the long northern IL winters. I give a bunch away too...I'll have almost 40 spice jars full this year and that's more than I could use in 5 years. It's a good problem to have :)

mmmm those sure look tasty

I made some chili last night with a few of the giant red jolokias and a lemon jolokia from my neighbor. Tasty indeed :hell:



Here's my Sunday morning harvest. Got what I could before the bugs and heat started taking over. Has to be my single largest harvest of the year....so far :beer:
