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There can be only one

If you could only grow ONE kind of pepper, what would it be and why?

Mine would be NuMex Big Jim because I love stuffed peppers... I would really like one with more heat but if I had to pick just one that would be it ...
The chile I use the most is a Jolokia-type, but I would have to go with Anaheim. why? it would go nicely in salads, as powder, it's big enough to cook all sorts of dishes and I absolutely love roasted Anaheims.
Well as of now it would have to be a yellow 7 pot. Since trying them and getting a pod+ piece at the fest a bit back I can not get enough. I sliced little bits every few days and put it in my food. Very addicting.lol...
I thought about this for way too long..
I decided I honestly could not pick one pepper.
I can think of a dozen things I want a mild pepper for, a dozen for a medium, a dozen for a hot, and a dozen for a superhot.

That is one tough question sir.
If I picked one, I'd miss the others for something else.
I would have to say a jalapeno, a good sub for green bell in a trinity, poppers, or slices and left intact some can have a bite. Plus the wife will eat them, so that is why I pick them, for me.... probably Fatali is my favorite, superhots are fun, but not as useful as a fatali for me. Yeah I know it's2 but wife won't tocgh the fatali, hoping i have enough ripe ones by Halloween for a fatali cheese cake for the party.
If you could only grow ONE kind of pepper, what would it be and why?

Mine would be NuMex Big Jim because I love stuffed peppers... I would really like one with more heat but if I had to pick just one that would be it ...

it would be Nu mex heritage 6-4

the best tasting chili.

Thiers only one chili
thats new mexico chili!
I would pick a mild jalapeno. I would use them raw, stuffed, or dried for powder. If I needed to kick up the heat, I would concentrate it in a sauce. I know it's a wimpy choice, but I am thinking more about versatility.
I would have to say the Italian roaster. I grew them one year and I had so many uses for them. Roasting obviously, stuffing, sauces, cut them up and put them on/in almost everything. They are not to hot to mild so it pleases most people in my family and have a great fruity flavor.
I'd probably go with yellow CARDI scorpion, its become one of my favorites for flavor and production. Jalapanos and Numex/Anaheims are on my list too but they're a lot easier to find in stores and markets
Now thats a truly tough one. I would have to say A poblano or Anahiem type. I can wait till its red for a little kick so i dont loose my hot, pick green and not as spicy and i can stuff them :) :)
If not then Jalapeno, no wait Datil, no wait Aji Caballero... lol :):)