These things will destroy a plant in one night

PepperDaddler said:
some "cousins"-----



And there are probably hundreds more species...
those caterpillars have been munching on morning glory plants and ended up at a hard trance rave in the woods it looks like..;)
silva83tj said:
Last year I had a big problem with those horn worms, I like to cut the tip of the horn and watch the juice ooze out, then a little bit of gasoline or alcohol and burn baby burn then right before I think they are about to die smash em with a rock :D
I like your style!
I've been cutting them in half with pruners. I'm up to 13 since Monday. I did buy some BT and will commence to spraying after the rain stops. They will eat pods in right at a minute (I saw one starting to munch a pod so I timed it, then cut him down)

Also I read that soapy water sprayed on the plant will make the bastards convulse and fall from the plant and then you can smash em, or cut em like I do.
Been there, done that.
I personally just throw them on the ground and squish them. No time to mess around with those particular types.

spicy_echo said:
I love this worm though :hell:
I would love to see a pic of when those actually hatch, or a video.
PepperDaddler said:
Been there, done that.
I personally just throw them on the ground and squish them. No time to mess around with those particular types.

I would love to see a pic of when those actually hatch, or a video.
Not sure how to embed a vid here
i saw that video last week and organic is good and all but the only problem with this method is that once you see/find them on the plant they have probably done a lot of damage.
Best time to find these guys is at night with a led. I start early and check plants every couple of nights. Hard to do with a ton of plants but I only have a couple dozen.
One thing I love about Norway is that we don't have these kind of things here :) Its pretty safe overall and the worst we have is moth on apple trees and aphids 