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food Things that do not go well with peppers...

I once tried mixing hab sauce with hot english mustard and wasabi. I'd have to say they prob don't go together too well. Although if an all angles attack is your kind of thing you may disagree.
I once tried mixing hab sauce with hot english mustard and wasabi. I'd have to say they prob don't go together too well. Although if an all angles attack is your kind of thing you may disagree.

A similar mix I concocted one time didn't really do it for me either!
I once tried mixing hab sauce with hot english mustard and wasabi. I'd have to say they prob don't go together too well.
I'm just trying to pair two of those at a time, and that's not really working for me, either. How drunk were you?
Handling your man bits does not go well with peppers. Especially superhots!

I'd say handling lady bits (your own or another persons) would also fit into this category.. and it doesnt matter if its a superhot or a jalepeno.. it all burns! :hell:
I'd say handling lady bits (your own or another persons) would also fit into this category.. and it doesnt matter if its a superhot or a jalepeno.. it all burns! :hell:
W/O going into detail, I do not have to touch myself when nature calls!
Handling ANY bits, whether it be your own or anothers'... is a delicate operation at the best of times, and when capsaisin is in the equation, one had better be prepared for any possible repercussions of possible cross-contamination!

Thanks geeme for saving me the trouble, now...as was said---back on topic! :)


hmmm, cross-contamination can be a good thing....in the right scenario! just another toy to play with.
yes, eyes do not go well with peppers, accidentally rubbed douglah powder on my eyes a couple months ago. that made me blind for at least 10 minutes.
Ah yes I can empathize with that, had an orange habanero seed caught under my eyelid for about half an hour when I was about 15. It was rather unpleasant.
reminds me of that video where gordon ramsay witnessed a lady from india that wiped a bunch of bhut jolokias on her eyes to win a world record. it was around 20 something peppers afaik. she first failed to eat 60 something bhuts in a certain time limit but proposed to wipe her eyes with bhuts instead.

My link

i managed to watch the long version of it, it was shown on a british show that gordon was in.
OK, I'll bite. How did you get a seed in your eye?

I was breaking some of the peppers apart, one "popped" out and hit me in the eye. My reaction was to blink, the seed hit my eye at the same moment as the blink and slide under the eyelid. It took a minute to figure out it was actually under the eyelid I had figured it had bounced off and was just very potent.
I was breaking some of the peppers apart, one "popped" out and hit me in the eye. My reaction was to blink, the seed hit my eye at the same moment as the blink and slide under the eyelid. It took a minute to figure out it was actually under the eyelid I had figured it had bounced off and was just very potent.

Do you now wear safety glasses?
I'm wondering why it was stuck in there for almost half an hour - while having cap on your fingers then sticking your finger in your eye isn't usually recommended, it seems there would have been enough cap on the seed to kind of negate that out, or at least that your hands could have been washed before half an hour passed.... :)