hey guys, i've miss labled this plant, i thought it was a trinidad variety but it's looking more like a orange hab. strangely i am happy because i didn't think i planted any orange habs that stayed in my garden this year. what do you think? Sry for my crappy cellphone pictures, but my camera's battery is so bad by the time i take pictures upload them it's dead :|. so if you could take a look much appreciated will it be.
in true fashion small pic to a link of a bigger one for our broadband challenged.
first picture is the first one to start ripening it's at orange and is very solid. second one is the first chile on the plant and was 1/2 yellow yesterday, is now half orange.
in true fashion small pic to a link of a bigger one for our broadband challenged.
first picture is the first one to start ripening it's at orange and is very solid. second one is the first chile on the plant and was 1/2 yellow yesterday, is now half orange.