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This could be bad!

New to the forum and pepper world (other than I love spicy foods and hot sauces). I put hot sauce on everything and figured why not grow them and make my own. I bought a few plants this year- a jalapeno, kung pao, cayenne and datil. Made my first batch with the cayenne, turned out pretty good, then ran to the store and bought some habaneros and made another batch. Thats where the problem starts, I think Im hooked, I dont know why I've never grown them before. Anyways, sorry to be long winded, looking to hear some of your favorite peppers. I like the flavor of cayenne, heat of habanero ( can be a little smokey tasting) and like sweet & spicey. Im sure all this will change after trying different peppers. Look forward to your suggestions. Ive got so many questions but will start with this. Hope its ok to post this here. Thanks in advance.
Welcome to THP! No, I can pretty much guarantee it will end ugly for ya. It will start innocently enough with 5 or 6 then 9 or 10 plants then 50 or 60 plants then with your Florida growing season you will attempt 100 plants. But on the bright side, you have found the best support group available to deal with your new obsession. LOL
Welcome to thehotpepper, o... "I'm addicted to growing peppers" (Its good to admit it daily, so you don't get treated strangely by your family!)
I was growing Hot peppers a few years before discovering this site and not even a year later, I've more than tripled what I normally grow a season. When my family members step out onto my back patio, they give me the "the look". Be prepared for this look my friend....it's hilarious.

Welcome aboard
:welcome: and enjoy the mass of information. Pick a forum and dive deep. Some of the old stuff is priceless. Peppers to try IMO...Caribbean Red Habanero, Fatalii, and Naga Morich. When you grow your own be prepared. Habs bought in a grocery store aren't usually that hot for some reason.

And remember we all love
whether for problems or praise we love
hehe... good for you :)
theres such a wide variety of peppers out there.

take a look at:
aji lemon
scotch bonnet
super chili
wild/ornamental type peppers like tepin or bird peppers (more useful then they look ^^)
the classics like serrano, anahiem, thai

enjoy your new obsession :)
Hi. My name is Jesse and I am also an addict. (Hello Jesse!)

Yeah. This is my first year growing and I have 13 plants going. I started with some orange Habs, jalapenos, bhuts, and Trinidad scorpions. I've already got more seeds for next years season so looking to have a few more. My wife just shakes her head and says "Peppers!" She doesn't get it.