This does not look good

My seedlings have been doing great, until recently. Yellowing leaves, leaves dropping including very young ones that are not completely developed. The bud ends dying and dropping off. My sea of green is starting to look very bad. I know they are root bound and need potting up but I am waiting on pots and a greenhouse to move them in. Do I have a pest infestation or is it a case of other problems? I noticed very small (less than 1mm) patches of fuzz on the bottom of the leaves on some of the plants, and right at the main vein of the leaf. They have gotten a couple light spritzes of Epsom salts, and one shot of fish ferts a couple weeks ago. The pots they are in are 3" square, and are about 4-6 inches tall.

Here is the worst one, the top is dead, the newest leaves have all dropped off, and the bud ends have died off. There is secondary growth started at the bottom nodes:

A shot of the bottom of a leaf that had dropped, showing the tiny fuzzy's

Another plant that is developing the same problem:

Some more shots:



Any help or ideas appreciated!
Definantly need potting up as soon as you can, damping off comes to mind as well. How wet do you keep the medium?
I would say put them puppies in a larger container. It is possible that they may need some good ol' fashion sunlight. You can only expect so much from synthetic lighting with very few exceptions. If it were myself, I'd try getting some larger containers first and see if there is an improvement.

I was looking at the photo of your "fuzzies" and wanted to know what species you are growing. Some species naturally develop that kind of pubescence on the leave midrib.
If you're possibly over-watering, and getting a brownish fungus on the top of the soil, be sure to scrape it off before repotting. The curling leaves make me think of over-fertilizing. The yellowing makes me think calcium/iron/magnesium deficiency.
the fuzzies at leaf underside look "ROOTLIKE"
i would first try some ¼ strength fertilizer, foliar feed it to
the leaves and get the underside, see if they grow even more
(it is a possible?)

some of the leaves look a little beaten up,
are those the ones close to the air oscillator?

the coloration looks pretty good for the most part
how much/ many are yellowed?

i am seeing flower buds i think they might pod before sun-out
What kind of soil do you have them in? How often, and what, do you feed them? I recently had the leaves on my plants go yellow, and leaves started falling off. (Mine were/are much smaller though.) I put them into Pro Mix, and feed them a lot more often. Apparently that is required of plants in Pro Mix. Almost 2 weeks later they are almost completely greened up and growing tall!
So maybe they just need some good ole nutes. Who knows? Still could be the damping off or fungus. I just hate to immediately start pointing a finger at damping off. You're not new to this, so Im sure you know how to water your plants.
Good luck man, and keep us posted!

The folding of the leaves, or tacoing, might be too much nitrogen. In the pic that says "Another plant that is developing the same problem:" the leaf in the upper right of that pic that has yellow spots looks like magnesium def. I would also check out the ph of the water you put in the plant (not the runoff water) if its above 7.0 you're locking out nutes. You should be about 6.2 - 6.5
some chinenses have furry stems and leave veins.

What species are you growing? It might not be the spot you should be focusing on.

The damage, IMHO, is over-watering.
I'm going with a calcium deficiency. They tend to curl and get really bumpy when that happens. The one with the yellow spots looks like one of the large lower leafs. They tend to do that as the plant grows and will eventually fall off. The really yellow plant could also use a shot of epsom salts as well.
1st and 2nd pic look like classic examples of nute burn to me. May want to look at how much and how often your feeding them.
Looks like too much fert to me. Possibly too much water too, but mainly looks like over-fertilization.

Try flushing them out and then repotting up? Or at least with one or a few, to see if you get some good results.
The Leaf Curling that I see in the pics can the leaves trying to protec themselves from too much light. Is your loght source very close to the top of the plant? If so, raise it a little.
I noticed similar symptoms after spraying seedlings with epsom salts and foli-cal last year. It only damaged the newest leaves, and non-sprayed plants showed no symptoms. I didn't know if it was just one of the ingredients that caused the damage, or if it was because they were mixed.