food This is how you make a damn hamburger!

One of the reasons most hamburgers suck is that you have to cook ground beef to well done........unless you grind it yourself!

Now not everyone has a meat grinder, but most of us have food processors. I have both, and I actually prefer the texture from the food processor better anyway.


1 cast iron skillet
1 food processsor


Remove as much of the fat from the edge as you see fit, and cut out any tough connective tissue. Cut up in 1/2"-1" cubes. Toss into food processor.


Pulse 10 times. That's it. If you do it much more you'll suddenly find yourself with meat paste. Notice this still has a bit of texture to it.


Add just a pinch of kosher salt and work it in. Don't overwork the meat or pack it too tight. Form the meat into 5-6 oz patties. This is best done using a scale if you have one. If all the burgers weigh the same, they all cook at the same speed. This prevents 2 good burgers, 1 raw and 1 burnt one.

Put the cast iron skillet on med-high heat and let it sit for about 3 minutes.
Toss the burger off in the skillet and set a timer for 4 minutes if you want medium rare. 5 min for medium.



Oh, and flip it only 1 time. That's it. Seriously. Don't mess with it, don't lift it to check the bottom, nothing. You'll ruin the crust you're working so hard to make.

After the 4 minutes, flip the burger(s) and start the timer again. This is what it looks like with about 1 minute left:

Ok, that's a little better.

Consider me mollified, but suddenly and inexplicably craving a good hamburger.
BK who?

I just got a new food processor and have been using it for salsas. It didn't occur to me that I can grind a good chuck steak and make a better burger. Thanks for the tip.
Tcg I would love one of your burgers but I'd like it on a toasted hard roll. Yeah. mom would smack you upside the head.

She'll be 80 in a couple of months and cooks hers similar. She does the iron skillet, med-hi heat and drops the burger in. No touchy for 3-4 minutes. Flips it, turns the heat OFF and covers it loosely with a piece of aluminum foil. 3-4 minutes later Mom is eating. She won't let anybody else cook them for her either. Got to love them moms. :)
I would have toasted the english muffin if i had some butter. There was no grease in the pan from the meat for toasting the bun.

That's another benefit of grinding your own....the burger doesn't shrink and end up a meatball floating in a sea of fat. You control how much junk goes in.
dude thats rare!!! I've served steak tartare that didn't moo as much when it hit the table.
Nice but. just too rare for me, I think its an Australian thing.
yeah the cow is still kicking in the back round...:lol:

Looks good mate but there is far to much blood there for me....
Though i like on the griddle perhaps a tad longer, i would not turn away a burger like this. Top it with some homebrew sauce and a bit of bleu cheese and yer in a perfect world.
About time! It usually takes a Texan to show the world! I was over ruled on todays Stupa Bowl menu by Mrs. Blues otherwise I would be making my version of the "Jucy Lucy"..that is ....a burger stuffed with a whole jalapeno that is stuffed with sharp cheddar. Medium rare of course. Very nice TXG!

Cheers ya'll, TB.
That's not blood, it's juice!;)

My ex would freak if any liquid came out of a steak when she cut it, had the kids thinking the same. After a few years I finally had her eating beef cooked to medium. The past few years the house has been ex free and the kids are wanting their beef cooked as juicy as I like mine.