food This is how you make a damn hamburger!

damn, I'll be doing this this weekend... TXgrower can you link me to your over ribs? I dont feel like smoking them this weekend, to damn cold out.
That is one beautiful burger there Tx. I just made a whole tray full of mini "Roethlishburgers" last weekend for the superbowl. They tasted really good as I use ground sirloin and fround pork so they stay juicy, but yours still look better. Damn you guys and all this food porn tonight!
Txclosetgrower said:
One of the reasons most hamburgers suck is that you have to cook ground beef to well done........unless you grind it yourself!

this is not true, you dont have to cook hamburger or premade hamburger patties to well done, dont know where you got this idea from ?

the burger looks good, though I would of cooked it a little longer, a little pink is good.

this talk about bloody beef reminds me of my uncles wedding where the place served filet migon to everyone, & when ya cut it open blood came out & was bloodier than what you show TCG. but I'll say it was damn tasty & tender!! though I was also very drunk by the time dinner came around :lol:
chilehunter said:
this is not true, you dont have to cook hamburger or premade hamburger patties to well done, dont know where you got this idea from ?

I've always heard that you should cook any ground beef to 160*F internal temperature, which is well done. The reasoning behind this is that since the meat is ground, bacteria can be worked all throughout the meat, instead of only really colonizing the surface like on a solid piece of meat.

I mean i guess you can cook pre-ground meat however you like lol, its just not as safe as eating undercooked steak.
thats interesting, I never heard about this. it also makes sense, though I haven't had a problem so far. but something to consider from nowon.
though they also say "or freeze. To destroy harmful bacteria" so it'd still be safe to have medium rare hamburgers then, if the meat was frozen.

some claim for wild animals you hunted you should leave the meat frozen for a couple weeks or up to 30 days before eating any of the meat. also never had a problem with that so far.
another thing is, whos to say that the meat you just ground up, the outside layers where most bacteria might grow on was chopped up & landed in the middle of your raw burger ?
wouldnt that then defeat the purpose & still be the same as eating a medium rare ground burger ?

I mean since contamination is easy to spread, the outside contaminated parts touch the meat that lands up in the middle. so now what ?
chilehunter said:
another thing is, whos to say that the meat you just ground up, the outside layers where most bacteria might grow on was chopped up & landed in the middle of your raw burger ?
wouldnt that then defeat the purpose & still be the same as eating a medium rare ground burger ?

I mean since contamination is easy to spread, the outside contaminated parts touch the meat that lands up in the middle. so now what ?

Dude...I've eaten and slept with thang's that would scare the shit out of penecillin. No worries on the burger bro.

Cheers, TB.
rare mince is not neccesarily bad it just the health standards ie chain burger joints might frown on rare patties as there opens the door for potential litagation I think that is were the idea lies.
BAsically soft cheeses and soft serve icecreams are far more dangerouse than mince I mean look at Steak Tartar that is raw.
WEare slowly being told by organisations how classic dishes etc are dangerous for us and can no longer be served or eaten safely even though we have eaten them for hundreds of years.
however that burger is still way too rare for my taste buds lol.
Try this for your next burger, you won't believe the taste! 3lbs of meat, 4oz of soy sauce, 1 oz worcester sauce, and 2 tbsp Voodoo Ash (Cajun spice). This makes one of the better burgers I've tasted. I also add some fresh habaneros and jalapeƱos.
Txclosetgrower said:
I've always heard that you should cook any ground beef to 160*F internal temperature, which is well done. The reasoning behind this is that since the meat is ground, bacteria can be worked all throughout the meat, instead of only really colonizing the surface like on a solid piece of meat.

Government of Canada says the same thing. I've never seen a pack of ground beef without a label telling you to cook it to 160*F.

I was quite surprised when I was asked how I want my burger cooked last year when we were in Florida. I've never had that option here in Canada. They always just cook it through. Eat it how you want to. I'm not here to stand in the way of anyone's taste buds! ;)