• If you have a question about commercial production or the hot sauce business, please post in Sauce Biz.

This is how you make hot sauce and NOT piss off your significant other

Wifey is tired of being maced and the lingering smell in the house.  I wanted to do a batch of my Relaxin' Jack hot sauce but use a mix of peach congo, CARDI yellow scorpions, bahamian goats, 7 pot whites and brazilian starfish.  This batch is for friends and family not for wholesale purposes lol.  I feel like I earned my manufacturers licence and don't want to lose it.  Don't be fooled by the travel coffee mug on the table, it is filled with jack daniels and ice cubes. 
With the exception of last week, CT is pretty damn dry.
Not California dry, though, as we can still legally collect
rainwater. Nice kettle, there Husker! I have yet to make
my first hot sauce, but did not even think of taking it to
the outdoors with my homebrew gear. Thanks for that
I've been forced to do the same thing and its one of the reasons I have gallons of ferment at 1 year old now.  The wife said, the kids and I voted and there will be no more hotsauce making while we are home.  Ok I need you to leave then and well I'm now on the covered back porch :)