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pod-i.d. This is supposed to be a 7 pot Brain Strain Red plant from Baker's. UPDATE: Pod is ripe.

Hi all.
I'm looking for some kind of confirmation on this plant. I had ordered some live plants from Baker's Peppers awhile back and just recently they started to flower and produce pods. I've been a first time grower so these plants had a rough growing phase with some rough soil and some serious white fly issues (as pictured), but they have managed.
My only problem is that the pods that have started growing don't seem to look the shape of 7 pot brain strain red peppers. Do they change shape as they ripen? Just a little curious. Here's a picture.
Noah Yates said:
Every time one of these threads gets brought up it makes me wonder why he is still allowed to advertise under the vendor list as a "featured biz".. most other forums with a vendor section will eliminate untrustworthy vendors when bad reports stack up like this.
yup!!   the business features "imo" have actually took a hit from all the shadiness that has gone on. it makes honest vendors not even want to put up adds. because all the members get sick of seeing all the vendor wars.
i remember last season you had to fight for space with twenty adds that all said the same things with diffrent words from the same couple vendors.
sicman said:
yup!!   the business features "imo" have actually took a hit from all the shadiness that has gone on. it makes honest vendors not even want to put up adds. because all the members get sick of seeing all the vendor wars.
i remember last season you had to fight for space with twenty adds that all said the same things with diffrent words from the same couple vendors.
To be honest, one reason I do not use ads. :(
Your plant looks a lot like the red brain I got from Bakers last year. The pods turned brown and not very hot. Hotter than a jalapeno but nowhere near as hot as a hab. Some cool looking pods, and the plant grew well. Certainly not a 7pod.
Interesting that someone who claims to only grow super hots would sell this as a brain. Even more interesting that what looks like the same mild pepper is sold at least twice and for at least two years.
Maybe it's a new rare chocolate brainapeno, and if I had grown it correctly it would have been the hottest pepper on the planet. Let's sell seeds, $20.00 each.
sicman said:
:rofl:  :rofl:  dude was just advertising a few months back calling out growers including me. saying that all of us dudes that grow anything besides the top hot peppers are losers. even mentioned the ghost pepper as not worth growing and lesser growers grow them.   now he is selling them :rofl:  :rofl:  :rofl:  :rofl:
Lol jeebus.
alkhall said:
That is what I thought it looked like...
Anyway, I am glad I read this thread because I was close to ordering from Baker's. No chance of that happening now!
Yes. Pretty annoying. It's one thing if you buy something from somewhere that you are unsure of and take a risk. Usually you find out instantly or pretty fast that your product isn't what you expected, and you can return it or do something about it. But with this vendor selling live seedlings, it takes many many months of hope and care just to find out it was all fake. It's not burning me too badly seeing as it was only a 20-30$ order, but the time it took to find out that it wasn't even what I ordered is kind of the messed up part. The time investment is way more valuable than the money charge.
Kwest13 said:
Hi all.
I'm looking for some kind of confirmation on this plant. I had ordered some live plants from Baker's Peppers awhile back and just recently they started to flower and produce pods. I've been a first time grower so these plants had a rough growing phase with some rough soil and some serious white fly issues (as pictured), but they have managed.
My only problem is that the pods that have started growing don't seem to look the shape of 7 pot brain strain red peppers. Do they change shape as they ripen? Just a little curious. Here's a picture.
Sorry to hear about that plant my man..I never got an email from u with a complaint on it...I'd be glad to send you out some new plants this year or fresh pods when they become available to the masses again. Just shoot me an email it's no problem :)

As far as the type, there is a chance it's a bhut, I did grow and sell those last year as well. There's a chance, however slight of one, that I mixed up ur order. It happens. Like I said before have no problem making it right. That's what we do :) When u ship out thousands of plants mistakes happen. Trust me for every one mix up I have hundreds of happy customers. We look forward to making you one again ASAP! :)

Dale Jr
I have only ordered from Bakers once but I was very happy with my order. Hottest crap I ever ate!

I didn't order plant/seeds but everyone makes mistakes? Just being honest.
BakersPeppers said:
Sorry to hear about that plant my man..I never got an email from u with a complaint on it...I'd be glad to send you out some new plants this year or fresh pods when they become available to the masses again. Just shoot me an email it's no problem :)

As far as the type, there is a chance it's a bhut, I did grow and sell those last year as well. There's a chance, however slight of one, that I mixed up ur order. It happens. Like I said before have no problem making it right. That's what we do :) When u ship out thousands of plants mistakes happen. Trust me for every one mix up I have hundreds of happy customers. We look forward to making you one again ASAP! :)

Dale Jr
Well, just from me reading here, I would have to say good for you Bakers Peppers for coming out in the open here to apologize and trying to make a mistake right. 
BakersPeppers said:
Sorry to hear about that plant my man..I never got an email from u with a complaint on it...I'd be glad to send you out some new plants this year or fresh pods when they become available to the masses again. Just shoot me an email it's no problem :)

As far as the type, there is a chance it's a bhut, I did grow and sell those last year as well. There's a chance, however slight of one, that I mixed up ur order. It happens. Like I said before have no problem making it right. That's what we do :) When u ship out thousands of plants mistakes happen. Trust me for every one mix up I have hundreds of happy customers. We look forward to making you one again ASAP! :)

Dale Jr
I didn't complain earlier because I was a first time grower and had to deal with serious white fly and soil problems. They just recently started producing pods and it was only until this week the pods got big enough to where I noticed the weird shape of them. That was the first plant as pictured. The second plant is about to start as well and is supposed to be a Trinidad chocolate, and the last is a Moruga Scorpion. It was from the 3 pack seedling from last year.
And again, I don't prefer a refund or any additional freebies, I kind of just want what was my original order. Thanks for the reply. I will see if I can locate my original e-mails from last year and pull up the order number. Thanks again.
When I save my seeds I take a picture of the pods they come from and keep notes on if I isolated them, hand pollinated, or open pollinated them, and what plants grew close to others. This way if there was a cross I can cross reference my work and find out what happened.  By posting an image on THP of my pods I grew last year is how I confirmed my suspicions that the seeds I got from another supplier turned out to not be true. If I were a seller I would do the same, just be honest, throw out recalls even if you discover a problem before it comes back to you. Perhaps keeping better notes will prevent sellers from making sloppy mistakes. At least then the seller could cover their ass and say eh, I did my best, sorry things happen and here is where I screwed up and a picture of the pods I took the seeds from and how they might of crossed, here is how I'll make it right. Also helps when something happens then you can track back a bad batch of seeds and prevent them from continuing to be sold. This pepper seed game isn't all that complicated. If I was to try to make a buck off something that other people offer up for free I would make sure to be transparent in my process and go one step above as I would be running a business. Getting a bad rep on THP for a fairly small industry that has a huge amount of micro sellers on ebay etc is probably the worst thing I can think of happening as a pepper seed supplier. A very good and long term customer of mine told me something my first year running my company, that went along the lines of, "a good name spreads like molasses, a bad name spreads like wildfire."
cruzzfish said:
Try it. If it has no heat, chocolate fatalii. If it does, it's some form of chocolate bhut.
There are some Chocolate fataliis that have very little heat and don`t taste very good, but there are also ones that are screaming hot, almost as hot as any Bhut or Naga, and taste great. In fact, from what I remember, the really hot ones I had came from seed from Bakers Peppers. 
While impossible to really tell, that pods looks a lot like Aji panca. I doubt Bakers was growing those, though. So, you are left with a possible Chocolate Bhut or Chocolate Bhut hybrid. 
OK I'm bored at work and waiting for the day to end so I'll comment on this.  Nothing better to do except go for a smoke I suppose.
I have read through countless posts about BP and watched the little war that has raged.  And Dale suddenly being everybody's beating boy.
Here's my synopsis: people make mistakes.  True story.  It really does happen.  I also believe that at times he has been wrongly accused.  I also believe that he is a touch naive.  He supplied peppers to people that they said weren't true to type and were something else.  Dale was actually correct - these things are not always picture perfect! On my twelve large mature bushes of Trini Scorpion only 1 pepper looked like a Scorpion!  That's right.  One.  All the rest were 7 Pot-like.  And last year most of them looked like Scorps.  I got the seed from THSC.  Dale's mega-fault in that escapade was responding badly to clients - yes he doesn't know how to communicate well - it always looks like he's going off on a tyrade - even when he apologises.
But foe effs sake, lay off already.  Leave the guy alone.  It's not like he's some dishonest punk.  He has made mistakes and he has tried to rectify them.  Sure he needs to hone his communication skills but I can also understand that he is feeling aggrieved by not entirely true accusations.  I have had dealings with many vendors (not Dale though) and I can tell you this much - my worst seed order came from one of the darlings here on THP: most of the baggies were mixed. 
So please can we stop the Dale-bashing now.  If you have personally had bad dealings with the dude then by all means post it - but first try and sort it out with them - one to one.  If that doesn't work then post it here. 