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pests This is what a Leaffooted Bug orgy looks like

A little too much pleasure going on for my liking! This is what I get for not using pesticides, but so far no real damage.
Gonna get me some gonna get me some! Hey! Who's foot is up my ...?

Cool pic, sorry for the insinuation.
They ruin the peppers as far as I am concerned by leaving light colored blotches all over the pods.

One application of Permethrin as suggested by Silver Surfer took care of the Leaf Footed bugs and everything else for about 2 months. They are back so I will spray again next weekend.
Some good old Einstien Oil (Neem) mixed at 1tbl spn per qt sprayed on top and bottom of the leaves will keep those suckers and a lot of other bugs away. Pyrethum (made from chrysanthemum) is being overused by almost every industry dealing with plants and we are starting to see generations of insects with a higher tolerance or even immunity to this.

Another homemade solution is to make a super hot pepper spray using a bit of vegetable oil, Cinnamon and whatever hot peppers you have laying around. I plan on making Bhut Jolokia insect spray once my peppers come in. Grind the peppers in a blender or Cuisinart with hot water and strain over a very fine screen to remove anything that wont pass through the spray nozzle. To increase effectiveness you can put a handful of chewing tobacco in a sauce pot and boil with water for 10 min., Strain the liquid and add the juicer to mixture. You will have a bug spray that is more effective than any store bought sprays.
Some good old Einstien Oil (Neem) mixed at 1tbl spn per qt sprayed on top and bottom of the leaves will keep those suckers and a lot of other bugs away. Pyrethum (made from chrysanthemum) is being overused by almost every industry dealing with plants and we are starting to see generations of insects with a higher tolerance or even immunity to this.

Another homemade solution is to make a super hot pepper spray using a bit of vegetable oil, Cinnamon and whatever hot peppers you have laying around. I plan on making Bhut Jolokia insect spray once my peppers come in. Grind the peppers in a blender or Cuisinart with hot water and strain over a very fine screen to remove anything that wont pass through the spray nozzle. To increase effectiveness you can put a handful of chewing tobacco in a sauce pot and boil with water for 10 min., Strain the liquid and add the juicer to mixture. You will have a bug spray that is more effective than any store bought sprays.

You'll also have a pepper spray that you can accidentlayy dose yourself with if the wind up's on you while spraying. Take some precautions when using that.
Pretty sure you can just use the tobacco juice in the spray and that will kill just about anything it lands on. Nasty, nasty stuff. Save the peppers for your own consumption. Don't think that will have any effect on the bugs. Now it will keep the mammals away.
"You'll also have a pepper spray that you can accidentlayy dose yourself with if the wind up's on you while spraying. Take some precautions when using that."

Wise man once say...."Never piss into wind" Only an idiot would spray downwind with that stuff.