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This is what I do for fun - Defcon ZERO

Just got pics sent to me by a friend. These are from another friend's 4th of July party this year. Now, this is what I do for fun. I have a reputation for bringing the spice, so I always do in one for or another. At my fridn's parties, both batched of Defcon ZERO are always with me.

Sooner or later I fiend someone who's willing to be light up (I somehow get them to agree, no forcing anyone into it, that wouldn't be fun). Then slowly the crowd gathers and more people join in on the fun. Here's pics of me in action (sorry, only two).

There's the Wimpy dose and then there's the Man Dose...very few try the Man Dose. :lol:

Prepping the pain

The Man Dose:
imaguitargod said:
Just got pics sent to me by a friend. These are from another friend's 4th of July party this year. Now, this is what I do for fun. I have a reputation for bringing the spice, so I always do in one for or another. At my fridn's parties, both batched of Defcon ZERO are always with me.

Sooner or later I fiend someone who's willing to be light up (I somehow get them to agree, no forcing anyone into it, that wouldn't be fun). Then slowly the crowd gathers and more people join in on the fun. Here's pics of me in action (sorry, only two).

There's the Wimpy dose and then there's the Man Dose...very few try the Man Dose. :lol:

Prepping the pain

The Man Dose:

I don't know how hot zero is but I did that spoon full of Blairs jersey death and didn't need to drink. My stomach killed me the whole night though.:shocked:
IGGY - to the non-chileheads that man dose doesnt look like much, but i'd stay away from it.

nova - looks like a boxer to me
No pics of IGGY after the Zero?? He must have been a mess!! :lol:

chillilover said:
I don't know how hot zero is but I did that spoon full of Blairs jersey death and didn't need to drink. My stomach killed me the whole night though.:shocked:
Jersey Death is good, I used to shake it on pizza and spread it around. Hot, but not extreme. I believe Zero is hotter from the sample I had. You would notice a spoonful for sure ;). Good stuff though. Yes, it has flavor, as well as being extreme.
I have found that Jersey Death, whilst being hot has not got that "stingy" heat. Is the zero different to that?
N_FF said:
do they taste extractish? or just like a hab?

I tasted batch #5 (I think) at Jungle Jims....The flavor has a very unique "twang" to it....not a Chemical taste like with Oleoresins....Has a good bit of heat to it as well.

Consistancy is kind of like tar.
I had it on a toothpick and handled it fine, but haven't tapped into the vial I bought, so I can't really say. I need to do that soon.
Novacastrian said:
I have found that Jersey Death, whilst being hot has not got that "stingy" heat. Is the zero different to that?

The ZERO is made with no chemicals or electrical machines of any sort. I find it has a clean burn, and virtually no taste whatsoever, except for a sweet smokey tinge, which quickly leads to a throat kick. It's cool as an additive to foods, as it won't change the flavor of what you put it into.

The stuff takes about 8 months to make, and yeah, we reduce roughly 10 lbs of Orange Habaneros to about 1/2 ounce. A lot of my own personal pain and agony in its creation goes into every vial.
Ah, yes, I remember the flavor now. It has a slight BBQ sauce flavor believe it or not. Before your tongue goes numb ;)
thehotpepper.com said:
Ah, yes, I remember the flavor now. It has a slight BBQ sauce flavor believe it or not. Before your tongue goes numb ;)

Ya know what's really weird, the latest batch, which I find to be substantially hotter than last year's Batch #5, has almost a smokey vanilla taste. I have no clue where that comes from, but it's pretty cool (no pun intended).
N_FF said:
do they taste extractish? or just like a hab?
Batch #3 tastes like cotten candy, Bacth #5 tastes a bit like extract but more earthy than bitter.

Novacastrian said:
Cool dog...
Not mine. :lol:

thehotpepper.com said:
No pics of IGGY after the Zero?? He must have been a mess!! :lol:
I wasn't tasting it. I've done my tour with that sauce many times including a FULL spoonful for my review of Batch #3. Not a Wimp Dose, not a Man Dose, but a FULL spponful.

Novacastrian said:
I have found that Jersey Death, whilst being hot has not got that "stingy" heat. Is the zero different to that?
ZERO has the stingy heat, all extracts do. It's the heat that fulls the pours of your tongue and just sits ther, kicking.
I think all the answers are above. :)
Or go get some.
Noshownate said:
havent tried defcon yet is it really that hot as like eating fresh pods?
UUMM it's a lil hotter than fresh pods...you figure Defcon takes 10 pounds of peppers and reduces them to a 1/2 ounce. That 1/2 ounce is all the heat of the 10 pounds of peppers.....