• This is the place to discuss all spicy commerical products, not just sauce!

This probably sounds EXTRMELY noob.....

staffing said:
If I had a choice of extracts, yours would be at the top of the list.

Oh, yeah, i second that one. At our shop we do alot of work on bikes, and as the official hot sauce of Don't Touch Customs, Defcon 1 had made wimpering little girls out of a ton of bikers. Seriously, when the grille is going, everyone whos stops by wants to know what's cooking, and we always warn them about Defcon being "kinda on the hot side", and they ALWAYS have to be the tough guys("i love spicy stuff", "i can handle it", etc.) and go for the "hotter" stuff.

It's freaking hysterical!:onfire::)
Sickmont said:
Oh, yeah, i second that one. At our shop we do alot of work on bikes, and as the official hot sauce of Don't Touch Customs, Defcon 1 had made wimpering little girls out of a ton of bikers. Seriously, when the grille is going, everyone whos stops by wants to know what's cooking, and we always warn them about Defcon being "kinda on the hot side", and they ALWAYS have to be the tough guys("i love spicy stuff", "i can handle it", etc.) and go for the "hotter" stuff.

It's freaking hysterical!:onfire::)

I love hearing about these kinds of stories. It fills my heart with joy knowing I was able to help administer the exquisitely painful bliss to others.
this is one I have stored in my favourites, I've never made it though - excuse differences in spelling, I just cut and pasted it:

"Yemenite Zhug (Yemenite Hot Sauce)

Amount Measure Ingredient Preparation Method
1 pound serrano chile peppers
5 whole head of garlic peeled
1 bunch fresh cilantro well rinsed
1 teaspoon dried red pepper flakes
or to taste
1/2 teaspoon powdered cumin
salt to taste
olive oil to cover

Blend in food processor. Makes + or - about a pint. Stores well in refrigerator.

Now, some variations. Use habs, seeds and all. Serranos taste wonderful but habs taste better and pack more kick. I use seeds and all, just cut off the stems.

Add some olive oil while blending. Your mileage may vary.

For "dried hot red pepper flakes" I use my other killer app, habs and chipotles, 1 to 1, ground fine.

Does 5 whole heads of garlic seem a bit much? Resist the temptation to scrimp. Inconceivable that a C-H would be a garlic wimp.

You can't beat this combination of flavors. Add it to anything you can think of. Let your imagination run wild. I use it a lot for salad dressing bases. For me, a dab of zhug, then olive oil and lemon juice, is all a salad needs."
chuk hell said:
Well then there is DefCon's extract which I'm told tastes like milk and honey.


very close .. it is sweet. Is IS the best extract I've ever tasted --- I would compare it to a Mead :party: