Clearly the "Hillbilly" in your moniker is purely honorary, for the rules of engagement between Southern men and Southern women appear to escape you. Were Bubba to do anything so crass, and might I pause to point out that of all the things I might expect Bubba to do, crass just simply isn't even imaginable; but were Bubba to do anything so crass as as to adopt a pose of authority by flashing a badge about, I would look down my nose and say "Dear Fathers, how vulgar!"
And Bubba would assume The Position. The Position, as all true Southern men and Southern women know, is assumed by standing with feet at shoulder width or perhaps a bit wider, arms extended downward, and the hands are clasped in front of the groinal area. The head is bowed, and, softly and mournfully, the man says "Yes, you're right, I'm sorry. I don't know what I was thinking, please accept my humblest apologies."