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This stupid Ohio weather!!!

It seems all we are getting right now is rain and more rain. I am so sick of this weather and haven't figured out how I'm going to harden off all of my plants if this keeps up.

The earth - it is a-changing! We are just getting April weather now.

I was going to transplant 10 peppers yesterday but like you said - rain all day.

put mine outside today here in southern indiana hope to get them in the ground this weekend tomatos are about two foot tall they will go in today !!!! how long does everyone harden off there plants tomatos been out for about a week and growing crazy so i would definately say they are ready !!!!!i have a plant that grows the best tomatos i have ever tasted some old man i know grew these and with his health failing he ask if i wanted to carry on his tradition these plants get about 12 to 15 foot tall and the tomatos are unreal in flavor... if everything goes well this year a few people on this board may benifit from these with a couple of seeds....
I would like to get on that list for the 12 foot tomato plants please...
imaguitargod said:
Not to fear. It says we won't get rain for the rest of the week.

Cincinnati is supposed to get more rain Wednesday.

Most of my plants are fine inside except for about 15 peppers. Ten of them will go outside today, though it is supposed to get down to 42 tonight. I don't figure I will have to worry about hardening up for the weather - after warming to nearly 70 tomorrow, it will stay in the low 60s for the next few days.

:lol: @ IGG...trust that weather man IGG...

It was 99.1F at my house Saturday afternoon and 50.1F this morning....they say today is the last time this year we will see 50F until September or October....

We are supposed to get rain from a bad storm system Tue-Fri this week..hail, high winds, tornados, and heavy rains
I have been hardening them off since the last week. They are doing great so far. You are right, the weather is very inconsistent here in Denver as well...we had snow last week.
I am ready to put the plants out in the ground.

I will wait to see if the weater is consistent for atleast a week.
Yea the weather here in Va is crazy too.We`ve gotten 6 inches of rain this past weekend.80 degrees last week and a hi of 52 today.i`ve got 20 plants i`ve been putting out most of the days but the nights seem way to colb but I need my kitchen back!!!Hope it warms up soon and for good.
hmmm looks like everyone is getting rain or heat. Here in West Central IL it has been on the cool side and waaayyyyy to windy. Lost two of my tomato plants from the wind. Luckily I had two extras of the same variety to replace them. Tomatoes have been out in the garden just over a week, and peppers....hopefully will go out next week...may be another week after that before putting out my bhuts.
I'm in NE Ohio too.
After driving past the local garden clubs gardens, I don't feel so bad. All they've got planted so far this year are "cold plants" like onions & brussles sprouts. I too have more seeds to plants out in my Mud Pit.
My tomatoes are thriving in their pots on the back patio, so I'm not too worried about them.
And my Peppers are living the good life inside for now. Yea, I need to harden them off too, but my tomatoes are in the way. LOL

I might go play in the mud later tonight. Accuweather says we've got more rain heading in tomorrow then hitting off & on into next week.
Well...The weather here is the same. More Rain :( To make matters even more frustrating, the lows have been too low to set out my plants. To think that I was planning on hardening off my plants this week. Heck, the furnace has been kicking on. At this rate, I won't be planting out until June...:(
My spring here has been pretty good...the couple/three weeks we have had an inch of rain 3 times and a quarter inch of good slow drizzle last night/early this morning...everything is watered well and the rain barrels are full again...I'm a happy camper...
Weather is not cooperating here in SE mi. either 60's during the days and 40's at night I have to many plants to keep bringing them in every night so I will wait till the nights stay in the 50 degree range.

I've got everything in the ground except the tomatoes and peppers. There may a window, between the rain, today and Sunday. Then, immediately put up the poultry fence to keep the rabbits away. They always go down the pepper rows and just cut them off at ground level and move to the next one.
my grandmother used to have the same problem with her garden in south mississippi...she took vicks vaporub jars (the little blue ones), buried them in the ground almost to the top edge of the jars and put arsenic or strychnine in them....that killed all the rabbits that haunted her garden...
yup...very good alternative...but you got to be there...

ever heard the saying, I've got a dog that barks over here and bites over there?...