food THP Cookbook?

Just occurred to me that over the time I've been here between the throwdowns, the burger and sammich and BBQ topics, there's a ton of epic cooking going on, most all with recipes & step by step photos.

Anyone given any thought to assembling a free to download PDF version of a THP cookbook?

Could be pretty awesome for promoting THP - maybe this belongs on the suggestions forum....

I would download the hell outta that shiz!
Yes, is there someone out there who's unemployed (ie, has that kind of time) and doesn't want to be paid for the time it'd take to assemble, make appropriate selections, and format, etc.? I'd suggest a nominal fee for members, and available for purchase like any other cookbook at full price for non-members, with proceeds split amongst those who worked on it. Get agreements from those whose recipes are used.
My son could work on it part-time - we are both graphic designers and have the appropriate software and experience, and he is looking for paying work (even if it's after-the-fact.) I personally don't have much time, but could provide some uniform direction to all who offer to work on it, so it looks like a single book instead of a random collection (ie, uniform formatting, etc.)
Maybe members could submit their recipes and photos in the correct format if they are interested. It would save someone a lot of work, and it wouldn't have to be anything fancy IMO. Just a basic format and guidelines for posting...kinda like a final post for a throwdown entry with recipes and prep pics included in it.
Just a thought.
Hmm... I'd say you likely haven't worked much with collecting stuff from other people, then. It's part of what I do for a living. Trust me on this, it ain't pretty most of the time, no matter how detailed your instructions are..... 
Geeme has a point - I've done some publishing & when you get submissions from multiple sources it gets squirrely formatting-wise.

There would definitely need to be a resource to compile and format.

That said, perhaps the members interested in submitting their recipes could post them on a centralized topic - that way all that recourse would have to do is go to one topic & copy/paste to MS word while applying that consistent formatting.

Then it's a team effort - i'd certainly be willing to go back & find (for example) my veggie burger and copy/paste to another topic.

Heck, I might even be willing to do the compiling.