• Blog your pepper progress. The first image in your first post will be used to represent your Glog.

THP Official Group Glog!

group glog.jpg
Hey growers! We're about to ring in the new year!

Use this Group Glog in 2 ways:

  • Perhaps you don't want to start your own Glog, and that's fine! Just drop your progress posts here!
  • You might have your own Glog but it is very specific, that's fine, drop your more random posts here!
Either way, have fun, and enjoy your 2025 grows!

I am scared to give my dogs peppers because I now know they should not eat any spices but I remember a cat I had when I was a child, this lady, she could go into the garden and hunt some peppers and some cucumbers. She was so good at it, she could even take the cucumber and bring it home half eaten! She was awesome! And vicious. Those were very poor cucumbers.

My dogs know what they can eat from freefall kitchen accidents and what is not safe and I have to say, my pepper passion helped me with their avidity (that's the word I didn't know!). They would jump at anything without thinking and now they sniff and come at drops with carefulness. I did not loose anything to the accidents anymore for a tear and that is something!

That being said, don't give them to your dogs! Or any pets. Sorry for leaving the rest of our friends out. ;/ Had to edit that to add this and to change the last paragraph to not be taken as a person who doesn't believe that they shouldn't eat those. I know!
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