contest Throwdown Throne

So now we know the secret to winning a TD w/o meat... cheese with extra cheese!
YEAH!!! I'm gonna crank me up some "Wasted" and some " Bloodrust" right about now...
(another shameless plug)

:dance: :dance: :dance: Way to go Some of My Bits!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :dance: :dance: :dance:
Cheese?!?!???.... did someone say Cheeeeese~~~~~ :sigh:

SUMbx2! Su-WEET! Great job, amigo!

Vultture and DeVille, you guys were right in there, you had the money shots. It could have been any one of the lot of ya. You just gotta

(edit to finish post ~~~)

You just gotta keep jumping into the TDs. A whole lot of fun, just for bragging rights. And y'all will be gettin' yo bling on in no time!

until NEXT month~~~~~ the lioness sleeps tonight....
I'm sure Bear is laying in a drunken stupor right now, but was very proud up until the moment he passed out.

Congrats Sum!
Bear... I caught him peeking through my window last night, the look of excitement plastered all over his face. I invited him in for a round of darts.

Then tucked him in for the night in the bathtub.

Around 7am I got up and turned the light on in the bathroom. By 7:30 he went lumbering off, back into the woods.
Chile Juju has won Oktoberfest III! Congrats! Awesome plate!
Way to go, Juju!

:dance: :dance: :dance:

We Have a Hi-Fi phono
Boy are we lettin' it blast!
Seven hundred little records
ALL rockin' rhythm and jazz
But now the sun is down
The rapid tempo of the music' low...

C'est la vie say the old folks
It goes to show you never can tell