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Time to Plant Out?

Checking the temps for the rest of the week the weather guessers are saying lows in the mid to upper 50's and highs in the upper 70's/lower 80's. What the heck happened to the rest of March and April? Isn't right me going outside in a t shirt and shorts and not seeing my driveway full of pepper plants. Our average March temps are 51 and 28. What the heck is going on?
climatic change is a myth ;)

continue driving those nice V8 engine it's good for peppers in the northern parts of the world.

this kind of temperature gives me creeps...

here they predict 18Celcius for this week end (and it will stay tehre 2 or 3 days !!!) ... it's INCREDIBLE for march in estern canada
Isn't crazy how people forget just one year ago North America had record (Florida recorded its coldest December ever) snowfall and cold, winter lasted almost all the way through March many places received snow into April. This year Southern Europe got hit hard while we sat back and enjoyed a mild Winter. Climate Change has been going on since the beginning of time. The Vineyards in Europe have extensive records showing major warming and cooling trends which in some cases extended for decades, NO CARS AROUND BACK THEN......
I'm loving it. Its the earliest I've ever had plants out in the greenhouse. I may even start my tomato and herb seeds early this year :)
global warming leads to glaciation...

and it will affect all parts of the world... just adding some chaos here and there...

europe will have colder winter , you will see snow where you never seen snow and so on.. sure global warming has been there forever....
but usually it took thousand of year. and in the last 100 years (since industrialisation) the change is much quicker.

anyway... we can always say it's normal and we wont live long enough to see the effect....
but that is my opinion and i assume it.
now let,s get back at growing
I am keeping a close eye on the 10 day extended forecast and are wondering if we are going to have a spring or if it is going to jump right to summer...I sure hope we get a loooonnnnggg spring this year...yup, this is my favorite weather graphic...

Wow AJ, thats pretty flat. Ours looks about the same and its killing me not having plant big enough to put out to enjoy the sun right now. I do know that I would put them out during the day and all of the sudden ol man winter comes back for ones last "F U" to all us growers. Inside they stay till sometime in May.
i'm still wearing my thermals! had a couple of days that pushed above 10C, thought about putting some plants on my south facing porch, then 4pm rolled around - good thing i didn't because highwinds and snow quickly followed. i may have a chance tomorrow or friday for a few hours but then back to freezing for the weekend.
While the temps here have been 65+ during the day, March is still our snowiest month...it has even snowed in July. Makes it kinda hard when your growing season is anywhere from 3-6 months long.
Mother Nature i hopefully trying to make up for last year's soggy spring.

It would be way cool if mother nature really cared about how feel about the weather : )
Two cents:
In the meantime, just keep an eye on the jet stream, get your info about climate change
from scientists and researchers, not the 'news' and corporate spokesgroups, and be
prepared and cautious always. Sometimes we get hammered, then we move on.
I have about 150 plants outside right now...they are in 6" pots and easily moved back inside the growrage if it does get down to the 30s again...it's only been a couple of years that it snowed here on two Easter Sunday's in a row...
I'm not risking a cold snap. However, it was in the 80s today! I was so tempted to start hardening off plants.
Isn't crazy how people forget just one year ago North America had record (Florida recorded its coldest December ever) snowfall and cold, winter lasted almost all the way through March many places received snow into April. This year Southern Europe got hit hard while we sat back and enjoyed a mild Winter. Climate Change has been going on since the beginning of time. The Vineyards in Europe have extensive records showing major warming and cooling trends which in some cases extended for decades, NO CARS AROUND BACK THEN......

THANKS YOU PREHENSILE! Anthropogenic global warming is the biggest scam in history. So many people have short memories. Greenland was called Greenland as it was once Green, now its ice. Co2 levels were once over 10 times the level of todays and average surface temperatures were much lower. Drive all the V8's you like. One volcanic erruption will cause more Co2 output then we can produce in 100 years. And Co2 isnt a pollutant, we need it! More of it means better vegetation, and chillies for that matter ;)