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seeds To all Aussies - when to start seedlings

I am just starting out in this chilli growing thing.... I have four jalapenos in the ground (have been for a couple of months now) and I have just ordered Naga Morich, Aji Lemon and Bruce the Chilli from the Hippy Seed Co.
Is it too late for me (here is Brisbane) to plant out the new seeds?

Well im trying for the first time today.

Got some Habs, dorset naga and Tabasco from hippyseedco.

Don't know much about it all yet, hopefully its not to late.

In melbourne btw.
I've got a few dorset nagas and orange habs that are 2 months old, on the other hand i have a few scotch bonnets that have just sprouted (cheers Neil) and one lone fatalli which was the only one I managed to germinate out of about 30 seeds! That one's gonna get babied haha.. We have a long hot summer in Perth so I think they'll have plenty of time to mature and fruit..
I dont think it would be a massive issue starting your seedlings now, its just more preferable to start in say august or even september depending on the type growing.

I found the Thai Red and the Hungarian Hot Wax were the first to fruit this season for me. The Thai Red was the first seedling to germinate, so it pretty much had a jump on everyone else, but the Hungarian Hot Wax just insists on flowering so god damn early it amazes me.

Both of these are Capsicum Annums, and for me seem to be the easiest to grow by a long shot. If you are planning on growing the real hot ones, Capsicum Chinense, you will find that they'll do ok, but you might not get the amount of pods starting right now compared to a few months earlier.

I'm yet to see if all the varieties I am growing survive the Melbourne winter, I'm going to just leave everything I have outside over winter and see how it goes. I've been informed by Fatalii from Fatalii.net that he reckons Capsicum Baccatum has as good a survival rate over winter that Capiscum Pubescens have.

If you are unsure about all these different varieties of Chillies, check out http://www.thechileman.org/search.php ;)
Thanks Milkman - I will check it out.

I will also have to take a couple of pictures of the chilli growing under my mango tree. It just appeared there a few months back, and it was only when I was about to pull it out that I saw the small green pods on it and let it live. It looks like someone has pruned it into a standard - straight, single trunk, with a round ball of foliage at the top. Though now that it gets a bit of extra water, there are some fresh growths coming on at the base of the "trunk". It must have come from a seed dropped by a bird or something and then had some very favourable conditions to germinate as it does not tend to get wet under the mango unless it is really wet. I would certainly be interested to see if it can be identified by pictures alone.

Im going to recycle this old thread, see how people's seeds are turning out.

I just planted some seeds the other day, I got some for christmas and couldnt wait. I planted 12 or 13 different sorts, they will either die this winter, or have a hell of a head start for next year. Any predictions? So far the bishop's crown has germinated, no action on the others, total mix of species.