To all the kind souls

Hello all :) I am new to this forum and would really like to get started on some hot strains of pepper! If anyone has any spare seeds they are willing to send I would be a very happy boy! I can cover postage etc just would love to get a seed store going! Anyone who is so kind will be fondly remembered when the time comes for sharing :)

Thank you all and happy growing :)
i can help i'm expecting a few letters today with seeds. When i get them i'll pm u . I'll give you some of each. It should be over 16 vars. so i'll pm u.
That sounds amazing thank you so much!!

Im afraid the only seeds I have at the moment are Ring of Fire if these are desirable?

i got rained out today man. Butt will go tommorow. We've ben a bit rainy ( quite rainy ) in the afternoons and super hot in the morning to around 1 oclock. Then the clouds roll in and it rains. But i'll get the seeds tommorow ok. I once wanted to start a seeds shop
Not looking for anything in particular, although I would love to try some Numex vars. They look delish!!

A benchmark for hot..Im willing to try anything!! lol (may regret that...:mouthonfire:)

Many thanks to all replies!
A friend of mine sent me some Chi chien (or at least he said they were Chi-Chien. The pods were similar enough) seeds two years back, and they are still good (germinated some earlier in winter, but was foolish and the seedlings died during a cold snap).:oops:

I'd be happy to send you some if you PM me your details. Hopefully you'll have better luck with them than I. :)