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To Cold???

Just wondering what peoples thoughts are about keeping plants out when the temps dip into the mid 40's for a low over night temps. I know 30's is a no no but mid 40's is getting close! What would you do if you were me? Leave em or take em in? Thanks!
down here is SD there were nights where it got into the 40's this past winter and the seedlings came in but all others stayed out
Hey Jon! First off were definitely game for the fair :party: PM on the way..

Now to the real question.
Since we live a half hour away from each other, figured I'd share my experiences.
Every year I keep my plants outside unless I see temps dip below 35, then I cover with frost cloth or bring them in.
They can take the cold.. Not the frost. Frost is ultimately what kills them. I've had plants out under cloth in temps below 30 and they survive.

If you have the room indoors though, obviously they're going to like a 70degree household than being under a frost blanket in 31degree temps. lol.

Hope this helps buddy.