• If you have a question about commercial production or the hot sauce business, please post in Sauce Biz.

To dump or to keep trying?


I was given a few pounds of Jalapenos (Much hotter than any I have had before) and I already had 1/2 pound of Large store bought. I tossed the large store bought and a few gift peppers on the grill last night after grilling steaks.

This is what I ended up making:
14 Jalapenos (12 roasted and 2 fresh)
1/2 lime
2 cap fulls lemon juice
1/4 mango
1/2 cup natures nectar tropical blend.

tossed it in the processor.. Tasted like hot leaves.. Seriously like I took some leaves from the ground, burnt half of them, and added heat.

Being the cheap bastard I am and seeing as how I bought most of those ingredients I was not willing to toss it.

I added the other half of the lime, another 1/2 cup of juice, another 1/4 of the mango, and 1/2 cup of sugar... Boom... It now tastes like spicy humming bird food. I tossed it into my sauce pan and let it come to a simmer and bottles it in some glass juice bottles (I do not have any woozys).

Final Yield : Just shy of 20 oz.
Kick: 4/10? (How do you guage this with all of the insane extracts?)

I am going to assume sauce is like wine and gets better with age. If not It will be given to my mother and she will brush it on her gutter guards to keep the neighborhood dogs from chewing on them.


"Mangopeno Tropical Heat"
Lets just say I hope it ages out like wine.
if you like mango.. id say add the whole thing.. that will add some sweetness and flavor..

did you take the seeds out of the jalaps?

also if you want more heat you could always had a habenero.. and maybe some herbs of your choice?

dont trash it tho.. use it as a base for something else :)
What is nature's nectar...a fruit juice blend?

Not sure about the floavor profile, assuming the jalapenos were green. Green Chiles and tropical fruits are not a usual combination. Not saying they can't work, but usually green chiles are roasted and worked with onion, garlic, savory flavors. Ripe fruits are usually pared with ripe chiles. onced again, not saying it won't work!!! but just others have found to work.

In addition to the many recipes posted here on THP, this website has a lot of good recipes. These are not food lab tested, so use your good judgement. But just reading through them will give you an idea of ingredients that work well together.

Keep what you have refrigerated, use it as you can, or maybe you'll find an inspiration to tweak what you have.

And don't worry, we've all had a batch or 2 that "just didn't turn out right".
Yea, I won't be making this sauce again. I probably won't be fooling with fruit for a while. I have a sauce that involves BlackBerry's that is great but my supply of blackberry's is only a small container I have in the freezer so further production will have to wait until next summer.
1/2 cup of sugar plus your nectar blend stuff along w/mango in that small of a batch is going to give you more a sugar buzz than the spicy goodness you want. I'd remove around 2/3rd of that sugar, increase the mango, half the lemon juice and roughly 2-3 Tablespoons of white vinegar. ...and make sure you don't go overboard on the grilling/smoking part.
Many sauces do get better with age as it gives the spices stuff a chance to blend with each other. I have some I won't know what they'll taste like 100% until 3-4 weeks since making it.

after rereading your post I noticed you grilled the peppers after you did steaks, did you clean the grill grate good before the peppers? it will have a effect on the taste. (think of the steak drippings in the coals...it sounds good but...)

just food for thought...goodluck in the future !