I was given a few pounds of Jalapenos (Much hotter than any I have had before) and I already had 1/2 pound of Large store bought. I tossed the large store bought and a few gift peppers on the grill last night after grilling steaks.
This is what I ended up making:
14 Jalapenos (12 roasted and 2 fresh)
1/2 lime
2 cap fulls lemon juice
1/4 mango
1/2 cup natures nectar tropical blend.
tossed it in the processor.. Tasted like hot leaves.. Seriously like I took some leaves from the ground, burnt half of them, and added heat.
Being the cheap bastard I am and seeing as how I bought most of those ingredients I was not willing to toss it.
I added the other half of the lime, another 1/2 cup of juice, another 1/4 of the mango, and 1/2 cup of sugar... Boom... It now tastes like spicy humming bird food. I tossed it into my sauce pan and let it come to a simmer and bottles it in some glass juice bottles (I do not have any woozys).
Final Yield : Just shy of 20 oz.
Kick: 4/10? (How do you guage this with all of the insane extracts?)
I am going to assume sauce is like wine and gets better with age. If not It will be given to my mother and she will brush it on her gutter guards to keep the neighborhood dogs from chewing on them.
"Mangopeno Tropical Heat"
Lets just say I hope it ages out like wine.
This is what I ended up making:
14 Jalapenos (12 roasted and 2 fresh)
1/2 lime
2 cap fulls lemon juice
1/4 mango
1/2 cup natures nectar tropical blend.
tossed it in the processor.. Tasted like hot leaves.. Seriously like I took some leaves from the ground, burnt half of them, and added heat.
Being the cheap bastard I am and seeing as how I bought most of those ingredients I was not willing to toss it.
I added the other half of the lime, another 1/2 cup of juice, another 1/4 of the mango, and 1/2 cup of sugar... Boom... It now tastes like spicy humming bird food. I tossed it into my sauce pan and let it come to a simmer and bottles it in some glass juice bottles (I do not have any woozys).
Final Yield : Just shy of 20 oz.
Kick: 4/10? (How do you guage this with all of the insane extracts?)
I am going to assume sauce is like wine and gets better with age. If not It will be given to my mother and she will brush it on her gutter guards to keep the neighborhood dogs from chewing on them.

"Mangopeno Tropical Heat"
Lets just say I hope it ages out like wine.