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To Stake or to Cage, that is the question.

Stake. That way if the plant needs nothing, no harm - no foul.. If it does, add as necessary.
Depends on growing habit. 
And cages can make it hard to pick fruit.
Tall plants I'd stake.
And like North-East said (#3), if you put in a stake and then don't use it, no problem. But if you don't put in a stake and you should've, then you'll kick yourself.
Same kinda goes with cages, but if you don't need it, then it can be annoying picking fruit, like I said.
All in all, depends on growth. Good Luck!
I find if I cage when we get bad storms I suffer more damage, it all depends on your environmental factors. I swear I live in a wind tunnel and June is ruthless on our plants. 
What about the Florida weave? Its pretty popular on tomato gardens (I'm using it for my tomatos this year) and I've seen it on a pepper farm once.

Purdue Agriculture


MSU Extension

Red Wicket Market Farm
This seems to have a lot more to do with the type of plant. If you are growing little peppers, you probably don't need any support at all. If bells, New Mexico, etc., yeah, one or the other will likely benefit you. BUT.. 
Stake at seeding, or not at all. Cages are great because you can add them at any time as a second thought. In areas with lots of wind, the cage is definitely going to be preferred.
grahamsprodigy said:
Stake at seeding, or not at all.
Why do you say this? Putting a stake or two into a pot full of roots isn't going to damage anything as long as your stakes are normal size and there's only a few.
MikeUSMC said:
I cage over staking. That way, all the branches have support if they get heavy too, vs. just the stem.
+1. I mostly cage, but really, it's to make use of tomato cages that never worked on tomatoes. For taller pepper plants, I will use stakes, but for plants that get bushy, the plants can easily get wonky with all the fruit and cages prop them up nicely.