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Today's Accident

Todays accident was a beauty, a stealth attack, took me by surpise and wasn't funny then but now im PMSL so all good..

the other day whilst in shop getting my whippersnipper fixed i was chatting to the dude bout chilli's, the new owner overheard and he basically , he loves chilli's so when i said "i need land to grow a few for stuff" he said i could use an Acre of his as wasn't using if wanted and here is the addy, gate here etc,, !@$@!$ coool... so today i thought id get some seeds and try a few things at the same time, 1 would a waterbed heater get seeds up as could put 4 trays on, would seeds from frozen chilli's grow (yea, done before but was only frozen a day)
so got some frozen Dorsets(20) Morich(20), bih (20) and tottled off out to shed to deseed,, Gloves THICK (tick) glass's (tickk) Mask (tick) so off i go,, get into like 10 Bih and Broinlaw turns up, so i stop (uh oh) and greet him, get a coffee and go out shed,, gloves on and off i go,, So we chatting away and i get through the rest of the Bih, then do the Morich then the Dorsets and we having great laugh bout stuff,, so finish, make sure not to touch stuff, wash other stuff, put away stuff and just chatting,, i go to luke, wow i must have touched something as my nostrils are burning a bit,, oh well ya get that and not worry thinking "oh it will stop soon" and luke goes, but the nostrils don't stop its gettin worse and now more is burning, all round my mouth, nose, inbetween, up the sides of the nose and my forhead is even starting to Burn

"oh shit" i forgot to put the MASK back on after re starting de seeding, my Face is Burning, thats making me sweat, and thats stinging when it gets to the burning bits, so i get the bright idea to put cold water in the sink and my face in, thats good till i nearly Drown,, i take it out, ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhh a min Later, its Burning Again Geeeez, this sucks arse, note to self "WEAR A MASK IDIOT" So an Hr Later, Its still going and ive just about had enough and would like a face transplant at this Point, Only thing left is Shower but thats gonna sting and Guess what ? It DID, so then got the sorbalene and smothered face in it and YAYYYYYYYYYYYYY, it calmed down a bit but still went for another hr or so...

all good now and another 1 to add to the list :)
It happen to all chiliheads one time or another. You play with chilis eventually they will bite back. I felt your pain in your story. This just happened to me a couple days ago.
I can see you now....jeez...what is making my nose and face burn...sorry to laugh at your expense hippie....but I am... :lol:
OW OW OW....

Good thing ya wear glasses eh mate? I know mine have saved my azz a few times for sure.


Sounds liek when I was chopping up a dried Bih to give to my brother to try.

I being was so careful about everything..except one little thing as you will see...

Of course, he calls early for me to run downstairs and meet him.

When he called it suprised me...so I just grabbed the Bih (about a 1/3 of one) and shoved it in the baggie and went to answer the phone...my phone ya only get 3 rings before answering machine picks up, and I knew he was calling from a payphone. Ok, that's done and he's downstairs waiting now.

I hadn't been quite ready, so I did a quick pisser and ran brush through hair and flew out the door.

See what's coming here?

Yup..you guessed it..I forgot to wash my hands after putting the Bih in the baggie. My hands are pretty used to it..but other parts..not so much. :D

Took about 6 blocks driving in his car before I realized the folly of my ways...I was burning like Paris Hilton after a long weekend..Ow.

Fortunatly, the bar was close by and I got 'cleaned up'. But my lil bro will never let me forget it now... LOL

Glad yer Ok buddy.... :D

thanks for the new signature QS....
Nah, I've done it a few times in varied degrees adn varied parts...but that was the first time with a Bih Jolokia though...BIG difference.
fineexampl said:
wait wait wait...

if you were careful not to touch anything how did this happen?? naga vapor??

Well, doing that in an enclosed space ..I'd say ya. I take it the BIL stayed outa range?
with all the stuff thats happend, prob get a stand up routine going..

hey did i tells Ya's bout the time i was showing a dude my plants, and saw a ripe 1 at the bottom, so went "hey look at this 1" WHACK a Bamboo garden stake went into my eye, that was Fun

or the Time i didn't eat the hole day before the Chocolate Hab test, had another 10 min later in shed as was nice,, then went for a drive with Andrew, ended up lying in fetal postion bout hr later out the front of a service station going "andrewwwwwww go get me a Chocolate Milk pleaseeeeeeeee" with everybody starting thinking "oh look at that crack head" had the milk, all goood off we go

madee a red savina Curry,, left chopping board there, 18 yr old comes out makes a sandwich, bout 5 min later hear "%$@%@@ !%@$^#%&^%$#&^ hot @#%$%$%##@%" and he flys past to the fridge and drinks a whole 2 litres of milk in bout 10 sec, was awesome :)
yea the Vapors, hahahahahaha

the silent creeping Naga Vapors,, and the Naga Oils, geeez no matter how much ya wassh ya hands the Groin area attracks it somehow
Ahhh yesss....war stories, chilehead style. :twisted:

Isn't it just twisted how preparing stuff with the Naga can almost be more of an adventure than eating one?
hahahaha the Fumes when ya rinse/wash the stuff ya used to cook with, LOLOLOLOL i got bannned today from the house kitchen Again, now i have to even wash all stuff outside, geeez i didn't know every1 in house would get gassed out,and start choking just from washing up
Last fall I was cutting up some frutescens for a salsa sauce I was making. Usually I wash my hands after handling peppers but this time I waited too long. The capsaicin penetrated deep into my hands. It took about 8 hours to eventually clear up and it was very uncomfortable. The funny thing is that as the hours passed I could feel it moving to different parts of my hand.
yea done that tooooo, oh the pain lol

ended up working way up in thickness's of gloves, the hotter i went, till got gloves that thick now with the naga's i can hardly move the fingers
nitrile glove I think thats how its spelt, like the ones the doctors use they are excellent and the heat won't leach through.